Chapter I

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 It was just a month before fall, the time where the forest was most beautiful, the smells of freshly baked pies grandma would almost always make spread through the whole house.Little animals scurry around, scrambling for food to keep for winter. The best time of year in my opinion. Sadly, I would not be around here to enjoy it.

The sound of the zipper snapped me back to the world, as mom put away the last of my bags.I walked outside, there was an hour before I would be shipped off until early winter. Sal was barking, begging me to let him tag along. I went down to the corner store I'd been going to since I was 7. "Hey Evan," The clerk, June, spoke before turning back to the shelves to stock. "One pack please." I slid her a five dollar bill and she rolled her eyes. "You're gonna kill yourself with these things kid." She reached up for the top shelf. "Firstly, kid? You're only two years older than me!" I laughed. "Key word is 'Older'." She handed me the cigarettes, and I slid them into my pocket, "Secondly, at least death will get me out of 'camp'." I said. "Aw fuck man, you did it?" I nodded curtly. "Well, you know you're always welcome at me and my brother's place, ok?" She pat my shoulder, still managing to stock the candy while still talking, like it was muscle memory. She looked at me for a second. "Y'know what, this was meant to be an eighteenth birthday present, but I guess it can double as a going away present too." She handed me a small baggie of weed. "Should be enough to get you through." I looked at it, "Are you sure?" She pushed it into my hands. "You're a big boy, I'm sure you can handle a high." I nodded smiling. "Thanks, June. Really." She waved her hand dismissively. "Please. I was gonna give it to you anyway." June smiled ruffling my hair. "Besides, at least you won't have to worry about hiding it from your mom." I laughed a little. "I'll see you around." I waved, tearing open the cigarette package. I smoked one outside, the bitter taste of the cigarette helping me put my mother to the back of my mind.

I was going to some stupid religious camp, and for months too. The sun was having it's last hurrah before it was officially fall, and I would be stuck in a tiny cabin with shitty roommates. The idea of running off crossed my mind, but it was likely I'd be found. The town was small, and I wouldn't get far on my old bike from middle school. So there I was, filled to the brim with dread. It felt alien, like I was completely detached from my own body. I walked back home, slowly, my eyes combing over the small pumpkin patch in someone's front yard, and the halloween decorations already going up, I was going to miss the cheap haunted house from the fair, and the little party my high school always threw. I was finally back inside, and the moment I set foot inside, my mom yelled at me. "Evan, why don't you have your luggage, and why do I smell cigarette smoke on you?" She just looked for reasons to be mad at that point. "Passed some kids smoking on the way back. And even if I do smoke, what does it matter to you? Like you said, I'm not your son. " She looked on at me with disgust, shoving past me.I knew in the back of my mind that I shouldn't have said that, but the regret wasn't nearly as good as getting to be just as spiteful and mean as she is. That may be harsh, it was truthful.

I walked back upstairs, pretending I didn't hear her berate me. I walked into my bedroom, grabbing small stuff mom hadn't bothered to pack. My earrings, a picture of my dog, and my pills for anxiety. I laid in my bed, hoping I would sink into the sheets and become one with them. I shut my eyes, not to sleep, but to 'melt'. It usually calmed me down, feeling myself breathe, quietly drowning myself in the blankets. I focused on nothing but the silence, and no other thoughts crossed my mind until my mother shouted, breaking the silence. "The bus i'll be here in 10 minutes!" I walked outside, not bothering to exchange a word with mom. Hopefully the months i'll be gone make her okay with me. I sat on the asphalt waiting until a white bus pulled in front of my house. The horn blared, and I went in. The seats were sticky, and one had a small etching in it. "Go home." I would if I could... The bus driver had a blank empty gaze that was almost creepy. Then again, if I had to make a three hour trip for work, I'd be dead inside too.To avoid the long ride, I fell asleep, until the bus driver blew the horn to wake me. "Sorry!" I got up, picking up the pile of luggage. I stood a few feet away from the fence where a woman and boy stood. I approached them as I slowly felt a sickly feeling of fear loom over me. At a closer look, the boy had faded red hair and bandages covering him. Freckles splattered his face and his eyes were a dark forest green. He wore a baggy white sweater and jeans with tiny rips and frays. The woman was tall, a thin grin spread to each end of her cheeks. She had deep brown skin with dark blue eyes, She had loosely curled hair, and a long mermaid dress pooling around her feet. "Evan, right?" I nod, her voice coming out smooth.Once again, a deep dread set in, it could be because I hadn't taken my pills. "Welcome to camp Littlewood!" She smiles as she ushers me behind the gate. The gate shutting behind me sealed my fate as the bus peeled off. I walked behind them, and the woman began to speak again. "Usually I would give you a map,but since our grounds have recently expanded, Alan," She addressed the red haired boy, and he immediately looked to attention. "Please show our new brother, around the grounds. Give him the grand tour, so to speak." He nods, speaking for the first time. "Yes Miss." he said, silently walking ahead.

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