Chapter 4

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A/N WhY Can'T I wRiTE PEoplE GenuInlY BeiNg Nice AhHHGh also I has a plan

We were about to head to this show thing when everything started shaking. I heard Nightmare screech and fall to the floor before rolling under the large table and gripping its sturdy legs. All of the rest of us ducked down and grabbed whatever sturdy items we could. I grabbed a hold of the coffee table, Error jumped back and gripped onto the armchair, Blue and Ink Planted themselves onto the couch they were sitting on, and Dream and Cross lent against the wall and grabbed a couple handles that were attached to the wall. After the shaking stopped, I shot up from the carpeted ground I was crouched on. 

"OK, WHAT WAS THAT!?" I yelled, being very confused. Dream and Cross stood up from next to the handles attached to the wall.

"Well, uh, there's these weird earthquake like things that keep happening, that's what the handles on the wall are for, they usually aren't-" Cross started, but was interrupted by a groan.

"ERROR!?" Dream shrieked, and I immediately looked over to the armchair said glitch was sitting in. He was curled up into a small, holding one of his arms tightly as a couple drops of marrow drip down between his black bony fingers.

"I-I just hit my arm quite hard on the side of the a-armchair, I'm fine. R-really," Error stuttered out as he started shaking.

"We need to heal him!" I yelled, getting my healing magic ready.

"We can't," Blue stated simply.

"Why not!?" I shrieked.

"His magic thinks it's poison or something, It's really weird," I heard Nightmare say, concern lacing his voice. 

"What? How?" I asked.

"Guys, we need to get Error to the doctor, now," Ink cut in.

"Oh yeah, right, I'll call Sci," Cross said, pulling out a mobile phone. I thought about that for a moment, wondering what this version of Sci would be like. This thought only lasted a minute, as I was interrupted by a voice on the phone that Cross was holding.

"What happened? Is this about that Multiverse quake? Is someone hurt over there?" a voice panicked over the line.

"Yeah, Error hurt his arm," Cross replied, "I don't think it's that bad, he looks fine,"

"Knock knock," the voice I can only assume to be Sci said suddenly, talking in a deadly calm tone.

"...Who's there?" Cross answered nervously.

"Errors high as all hell pain tolerance that you conveniently forgot about." Sci deadpanned. Crosses eyes widened. He looked like he was about to yell something but was interrupted by a loud clucking.

"KEVIN!" Nightmare suddenly screeched, dashing out of the room. When he came back into the room, he was cradling a small chicken, whispering encouraging words to it as he petted it softly. Dream sighed.

"That's Kevin, he's a rooster,"

"He's not just a rooster!" Nightmare hissed "He's the best pet ever! Yes he is!" He cooed, fluffing up 'Kevin'.

"Nightmare! Snap out of it!" Sci yells through the phone, obviously done with everyone's stupidity. 

"Just bring him to my lab."

~~~~~At Scis lab~~~~~

"Red!" Sci yelled, poking his head through a doorway, "wake up and get out here!" He picked up a pen this time and threw it at the sleeping figure of someone who looked a lot like Red from his Multiverse, plus a lab coat. When the pen hit his figure, he shot up and tumbled off the chair.

"This better be important, I was sleeping," He huffed and got up.

"Error hurt his arm in when the Multiverse was shaking," Sci simply explained. Red nodded and walked over.

"Who are you?" He grunted in my direction.

"Yeah, I saw you there but I didn't cause I was busy," Sci admits.

"I'm Dream, but from another Multiverse, I'm going to go by Hope while I'm here," I say.

"Ok, enough talking, we need to help Error," Ink says, looking over at Error. Cross and Nightmare had offered to carry him, as they were the most worried, but because of his haphephobia, he declined and had walked through the portal himself. 

"Yeah, we should, Error, sit over here on this chair," He calls to Error, who does as he's told.

After a short examination, it was determined that Errors arm was fractured, much to Nightmares and Cross' displeasure. While Nightmare and Cross were trying to convince Error to listen to Sci, who was trying to sedate him so he could bandage his arm, I went over to Ink, Dream, and Blue, who were chatting about something with a bored expression. 

"You said the earthquake things were quite common, what's with them?" I ask curiously.

"The Multiverse is unstable, Sci says it might collapse," Ink answers with a concerned look on his face.

"Unstable!?" I yell back, confused and concerned. I'd have to ask Sci about my Multiverse later.

"Yeah, pretty spooky right?" Blue puts in.

"Guys!" Sci yells, "I put Errors arm in a bandage, he'll be fine," He says. He tells us we should probably go home, and let Error rest. After we got back to the castle, I flopped onto my bed and went to sleep.

Sorry about the ending, it was kinda rushed. Also, I've started school again and my step dads grandparents have come over from Africa to New Zealand and this is the first time I've met them. So I've been going out a lot. I'll try to update once a week. And about that one shot book, I have a good idea and I'll try to post the first chapter soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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