The World Is Different From Yesterday (Just With Your Joy)

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A month had passed since Bella had lost her humanity to that... that thing. That monster of a being named Edward had changed her, stealing her forever from those that cared about her, and condemning her to an eternity of damnation.

And what had he done to prevent it? He had done what he could to convince her he wasn't worth her giving up everything for. He tried to persuade her with their friendship that things would never be the same. Yet it hadn't been enough – he hadn't been enough.

"Edward... he's what I need, Jake. He's all I've ever wanted – and I want this, to spend eternity with him. I love him."

To this day, the fair-skinned brunette had been all that plagued him. She consumed him and his thoughts, and was the thing that tortured him day in and day out. However, that image of the girl he had been so fond of in his mind began to change, a sort of metamorphosis occurring when fate intervened.

Bella was Bella no longer.

Bella was someone he no longer knew.

What now drew him into a state of infatuation was the image of someone else.

A girl with warm, caramel toned skin that seemed to radiate in the sunlight, with copper colored irises that caught and reflected the sun beams and seemed to glint naturally with wonder. Dark chocolate tresses that reached just past her small shoulders, with hints of a vibrant red dashes at their ends, framed her heart-shaped face that consisted of a cute button nose and plump, rosy lips.

It was as if he were seeing the very person that was created for him – and part of him knew this to be true. Before even knowing her name, the girl before him was his everything – his dream, his world, his universe, and more.

"Hello..." he breathlessly uttered, soon getting himself up hastily before rushing to her side and extending a hand.

She gazed at him in a sort of trance, her light amber eyes trained on him and him alone, the heart in her chest seemed to pulse off beat, almost as if it were just as nervous as she was.

"Hi..." her timid voice whispered, her dainty hand taking his rugged one.

Jacob's large fingers wrapped themselves around her palm and he swore there had never been a more perfect feeling, her cool skin and his contrasting warmth seeming to meld them together.

She was lifted up with the greatest care, the boy looking her over for any possible ailments that she might have procured from their run in with each other. When he didn't think there were any to be found, he faced her and they seemed to take each other in carefully till he realized they wouldn't be able to stare at one another the whole day

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