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Claire Jensen

SHE WATCHED AS HER BOYFRIEND swung his baseball bat directly toward the hard ball flying his way.

"Yes, Jeff!" Claire Jensen cheered on for the boy she was currently in a relationship with. She screamed his named every time he swung his bat, screaming even louder once he hit the ball.

"You got this." She said under her breath as she felt the arms of Jeff Atkins mom wrap around her shoulders. "He's doing so good." Claire said excitedly as she jumped up and down.

"I really do believe that you're his lucky charm." Mrs. Atkins said to Claire and began to cheer with the shorter girl.

It was only moments later when everyone from the stands ran out onto the baseball field, carrying Jeff Atkins on their back, chanting the name of their school as if it was some sort of prized possession.

Jeff made it safely to the ground, placing his semi-cold hand onto Claire's face and kissing her softly on the lips. They both smiled into the kiss and let go once the roses of 'ooh's' came into ear from the other teammates.

"I'll meet you out by my car, okay? I have to talk to my mom and change." He said with a sweet smile, making Claire's face glow up. She nodded her head and past the hundreds of people that came out for Liberty High's baseball team.

Claire shook her head at the flashback, tears flowed down her face at the thought of her exboyfriend.

"Claire?" A voice called out, she slowly turned her head toward the lady's voice that called out, "Claire honey, why don't you sit with us?" Mrs.Reed said as she patted the seat next to her.

Claire nodded and smiled softly, "of corse!" She whispered and ran toward her boyfriends mom.

"Scott, he's doing so good, no?" She asked and laughed.

"Yes he is, practically the next Jeff Atkins!" Claire exclaimed as she chuckled, "I miss him"

"So does Scott, but at least your guys' beautiful relationship came from it" mrs.Reed said referring to her sons and Claire Jensen's relationship.

"Of corse, I love Scott" Claire said sincerely and screamed for Scott.

"Oh honey, I'm so sad for Jeff, he really was a good boy. I'm sorry you had to go through that" Mrs.Reed said rubbing Claire's arm and soon cheering on her son.

Claire smiled and sighed, holding onto her necklace: one that Jeff gave her a couple hours before passing.

"They won, oh my god they won!" Scott's mom screamed as she grabbed Claire's hands and jumped up and down, "he's going to be so happy tonight, I can't wait"

Claire ran down to the field, "congratulations baby" she said smiling widely at Scott, "I'm so proud of you" she chuckled and kissed him.

"Thanks" he said smirking, his hand placed on her lower back, "hey-" Scott began but was cut off by someone.

"Scott fucking Reed, my man!" Bryce Walker shouted, walking toward the couple.

"Hey, man" Scott replied while handshaking him, "good game"

"Good game" Bryce repeated and glared down at Claire, "you two coming to my party?"

"Uh-" Scott said and shrugged his shoulders, "it's up to the boss lady"

"Oh, uh. Sure, why not" Claire said uncomfortably.

"See you guys there" he said and winking towards Claire, she scrunched up nose and looked back up at her boyfriend.

"You really want to go?"

"Yeah, don't you?" Scott asked with a small laugh.

Claire faked a smile and just nodded, she wasn't going to ruin his big day for him.

"Hey, here are my car keys, I'll meet you at the car, okay?" He said and passed the keys to Claire.

She nodded as a frown crept onto her face, a flashback came to her mind of the year before when Jeff was alive.

"Claire?" Scott said pulling Claire from her thoughts.

"Oh right, sorry. I'll see you in a couple minutes" she said and smiled.

She slowly walked toward Scott's Jeep, taking in the scenery of Liberty High's baseball field: the prize possession.

"See you later tonight, sweet cheeks!" Someone yelled and Claire quickly turned around and sticking her tongue out at the boy who said it.

"Monty, go away" she said scuffing and unlocking Scott's car.

Claire sat down in the passenger seat, sighing to herself as memories of Jeff flooded her mind, making it hard for the girl to fully move on from him.


"Scott!" Someone yelled as the couple walked into Bryce's house.

"Hey" Scott yelled back while nodding in his direction, "wanna grab us drinks?" Scott whispered towards Claire.

"Sure" she said with a smile and kissed his cheek.

Claire slowly walked toward the table filled with many idiots and empty red solo cups: she awkwardly waved at all of the idiots who waved at her.

She reached out to grab a solo cup until she felt a cold hand wrap around her wrist, making her turn around.

"Hey, cutie" Bryce said with a smirk and hugged her.

Claire shifted uncomfortably and pushed him off, "thanks, now let me go find Scott" she said quickly, trying to get away from the boy.

"Oh Claire-" Bryce said making the girl look at him.


"How's that brother of yours doing, you know, since him and Skye started dating?" Bryce said with a smirk.

"Don't talk about Clay, at all" she replied with harshly and yanked her arm out of Bryce's grip, making her way toward Scott.

"Scott?" She said looking up at her boyfriend.

"What's wrong?" He asked sincerely when he saw the worried look on her face, "is everything okay?"

"I'm gonna walk home. I'll see you tomorrow, right?" She said referring to the plans they had for their six month anniversary.

Scott kissed her forehead, nodding, "want me to drive you home?" He asked.

"No, I should be fine, I love you"

"I love you, Claire Jensen" he shouted and waved bye to her.

So I'm restarting this book and to change it, Jeff will sadly not be alive for the purpose of this story. I plan on making it more realistic toward the second season rather than just making Claire have all of these bad things happen to her.

Some things will still be the same from the original version and this story will be better this way

(: thank you!!

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