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Claire Jensen
*trigger warning*

CLAIRE LOOKED AT BRYCE AND Monty as they both kept talking.

"Claire?" Monty said snapping his fingers in front of the girls face

"Sorry, what?" She asked politely, wishing the two boys would just go away.

"Come to our baseball party tonight, all players will be there, yes including Scott. It'll be a blast" Bryce said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Fine, where is it?" She asked, resting her chin on her hand.

"Our little secret place: the clubhouse" Monty answered quickly, "but Bryce and I will pick you up tonight"

"Why can't Scott just take me?"

"Because he's getting refreshments for us, you know how it goes" Bryce said with a smirk as his blue eyes stared down the girl: almost like he was hungry for her.

"Oh uh, sure" she said shrugging as she stood up, "I have to go, I'm sorry" Claire slung her bag around her shoulder and walked away from the lunch table she was sitting at.

She stood in front of her locker, staring at the cold metal thing. A feeling in her stomach told her she shouldn't go tonight, but Claire pushed the feeling aside and grabbed her psychology book, heading to her next period class.

It had been a day since Hannah's trial began and everyone was on the edge of their seats wondering what Courtney was going to say today.

"Claire, Wait up!" Someone yelled causing the girl to turn around.

A smiled grew on Claire's face once she saw Scott Reed standing in front of her, "hey baby," Scott said, pressing his lips against hers and smiling.

"Hey, Scotty!" She said excitedly and wrapped her arms around his waist, "so about this party tonight," she began, but Scott soon cut her off.

"What party?" He asked as his eyebrow cocked up, "the baseball one?"

"Yeah, Monty and Bryce invited me" Claire said shrugging and letting go of Scott, "do you not want me to go?"

"No, no it's not that. I just didn't know that was tonight. I can pic-"

"They also promised me they would pick me up from my house while you grab the drinks"

"Okay, okay. Fine" Scott said with a forced smile and walked past the girl into the classroom.


"Clay!" Claire screamed as she saw her brother walk out of the school.

Clay quickly turned his head to look at his sister and smiled softly, "what's up?"

"Hey I'm going to a party tonight and I need your help picking out the outfit" she said smiling, linking her arm around her brothers.

"Who's party?" Clay asked raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Baseball team" she muttered and looked at how Clay's face saddened, "hey what's wrong?" she asked quickly and looked up at the boy.

"Nothing- I just. Is that a good idea?"

"Yes, Clay. Scott will be there, I promise you" she chuckled.

"I just worry about you, Claire. Bryce is a-"

"I know, you shouldn't be. I can handle myself"

"Claire- it's not that I don't think you. Bryce is just a dangerous person and who knows with the rest of them"

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