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"so this is it? you guys want to do this?" Justin Foley asked the Jensen twins as they stood around the clubhouse.

"i think we need to do this," Clay said looking over at his sister, grabbing the gasoline from her hand.

"Claire?" Justin asked looking over at the fragile girl.

Claire nodded her head and looked up at the two boys, "do it," she choked out staring at the two.

Clay looked over at Justin and nodded his head, the began to pour gasoline around the small shed.

Claire held up a match as she striked it twice before the flame lit up the small stick, "here we go," Claire whispered before throwing the match at the shed.

the three stood behind as the clubhouse glowed with flames fuming around it. a small smile grew across Claire's mouth as she slowly let a tear fall from her eye.

"we did it," Justin said quickly before smiling, "we actually did it" he said laughing and grabbing the others arms and running toward the car.

"we need to leave now before we get caught," Clay said once they reached the car.

Justin and Claire nodded in agreement. the three of them sat in silence in the car as Clay drove him slowly.

"thank you," Claire blurted out staring at her hands, "i couldn't have done it alone"

"of course," Clay said and smiled shyly before reaching home, "now remember, we don't tell anyone about this"

Claire nodded her head and ran toward her room. the house was quiet, and this was something Claire missed. she missed when the house was so quiet that a whisper seemed like a scream.

she heard a light knock on her door and she didn't waste a second before opening it, "what's up?" she said looking at Justin who was standing before her.

"uh- hey?" he said and scratched the back of his neck, "can i come in?" he asked and Claire nodded moving out of the way for the boy.

Justin say on the girls bed, observing the dull room that fit Claire's personality well.

"what's up?" Claire asked sitting on her computer chair, looking at the brown haired boy.

"how are you doing? with everything?"

"fine" Claire said shrugging, "haven't thought about anything in the last six months. i mean yesterday i did- can i tell you something?" she said and standing back up to close her door.

Justin nodded his head and patted the spot next to him, giving the girl his full attention.

"don't tell anyone," Claire said quickly, her blue eyes piercing the darker blue ones in front of her.

"i won't- what is it?" he said sounding trustworthy.

"about a month ago- i started to go to a support group," she said quietly looking down at her hands, "a support group for victims of abuse and assault- and addictions"

"that's- that's not something to be embarrassed about," Justin said softly and got closer to the girl, "you should be proud that you took an extra step towards your recovery process" he said soothing the girl, opening his arms for Claire.

Claire showed a small smile before leaning her back against Justin's chest, feeling his fingers play with her hair.

"i was thinking- maybe you should.. go to one?" she questions, feeling his fingers stop playing with her hair.

"why?" he said defensively.

"well, like you said it's nothing to be embarrassed about. you could go to the same one as me- talk about your addiction or the abuse seth put you through last year," the girl said looking up at his face, "promise me you'll think about it?"

Justin sighed deeply and loudly before nodding his head, "i'll think about it," he said and continued lacing his fingers through Claire's hair, sitting in silence.

"Are you and Jessica... together?" she asked quietly looking up at him.

"It's complicated," he shrugged.

"It's always complicated with you two".

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