chapter 1

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     "Help someone please" I begged running "please" I cried but they just looked past me there faces blank empty, there eyes just black caverns gaping from there faces.
    " please" I grabbed the nearest arm belonging to a man clean shaven,bald but clearly to young for it to be because of age he stopped, his black eyes peering at me, yanking his arm back he hissed low and angeredly  "sir please" I begged tears tearing down my cheeks, he shrugged me off and continued down the street with the rest,I looked around trying to make sure that he hadn't got to me yet before I could get help. I stumbled backwards landing on my knees as something hit my side hard, knocking the wind out of me, I held my side gasping for air, I looked up and there he was glaring down at me "nice to see you again" he said ringing out his hands I looked up at him definitively "Brad" I spat as if the word tasted like poison "now baby dont be like that" he whispered grabbing my arm and hauling me up, my side still ached but I felt my breath coming back to me "don't call me baby brad you have no right not anymore were done" I yelled trying to back away "oh no your not leaving again" he barked tighting his grip on my arm, I took a deep breath and swiftly brought my foot up into his knee hard I could hear the bones snap " fuck!" He gasped,I took off full run towards the crowd elbowing my way through the crowd "move" I shoved through faster hearing him fighting and yelling his own way through and then as it always ends every night always the same, I  feels something sharp slice through my side "ahh" I collapse to the ground my vision blacking at the edges  pressing my side trying to stop the bleeding as I take my hand away it comes away stained red. I glance up one last time and all I can see is his face glaring down at me smiling sweetly, my boyfriend,my love and he just stabbed me.

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