Chapter 12: Dancing in the Club +18

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By: eternityunicorn

The Blood Rose Club not only had seating for it's many guests and hosts, it also a large sized dance floor to the left of the bar, slightly around a corner. It was partially hidden by a large concrete column that held up the tall ceiling of the place. Therefore, it couldn't be easily seen from the seating area of the club. Yet, people did seem to find it eventually.

Currently, the floor was crowded with humans and vampires alike, dancing and drinking to the beat of the music. Though that type of headache inducing garble wasn't the type he would ever dance to, Elijah had pulled Eternity to the dance floor anyway. Though in truth, he hadn't done so to dance, but to conceal them instead.

There was another one of those large support columns in the middle of the dance floor. Elijah had Eternity caught between it and his own body. He kissed her slowly, while combing his fingers through her styled hair and then letting it fall to the side of her neck, resting his hand there. After a few moments, he pulled back to trace her swollen lip with his thumb, gazing at her lustfully.

"Normally, I'm not one for intimacy in public," he whispered to her, his lips right next to her ear, "but I am very tempted to take you right here, right now, in front of all these people."

Eternity grinned wickedly up at him. "Oh, I dare you."

At first, he was taken by surprise. He hadn't expected his bold statement to be so readily accepted. Eternity was an elegant woman full of grace and respectability. He hadn't thought she'd be willing to participate in his depraved indulgence. Yet, instead of hesitating, Elijah found himself accepting her acceptance. If she wanted to play, who was he to deny her?

"Are you challenging me?" He smirked while licking his lips.

"You better believe it," she responded, before pulling him to her by his tie and kissing him passionately. Her tongue darted out to taste the warm cavern of his mouth, making Elijah moan quietly. A growl quickly followed.

Challenge accepted.

Elijah took back control, pressing her harder into the column while he took over their kiss. His tongue tangled with her, before pushing hers from his mouth and then invading hers with his. Eternity moaned filthily, apparently liking the way he took control.

Good, he thought.

He let his hands move down her body, the somewhat coarse lace of her dress feeling rough under them. They stopped to rest on her hips momentarily, pulling hers against his, which earned him a moan from her. Eternity gazed at him through hooded eyes, reaching for him with those dainty little hands of hers.

Elijah allowed her to trace his jaw with her finger tips, However, when she tried to wrap her hands around his neck to pull him into a kiss, he used his vampire speed to pin her hands above her head with just one of his. His other hand remained on her hip, pinning them in place as well.

"Oh no, Sweetheart," he growled, with a dark smirk. "This is my show."

Eternity looked as though she was going to come undone with just those words, accompanied by the way he pinned her, the way he spoke. Her mouth hung open deliciously while her eyes glazed over with lust. It was fascinating to see.

Furthermore, she played her part perfectly. She didn't try and break his hold. Though, she could have easily. In fact, Eternity pretended like she didn't have the strength to over power him. She may have been a dominant creature to the outside world, but it seemed she preferred her lovers to be the dominant one in intimacy. A fact Elijah had noticed before.

Well, he wasn't one to disappoint. After her challenging of him, she'd awakened a darker part of him. He was ready to have all the control as a result. If it was a dominant lover she wanted, he was happy to oblige.

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