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POV: Rose
I wake up to my alarm I look up and I forgot for a second that I was in my house I thought I was in Brayan's. I walk to the bathroom to get ready. I look up and see the hickey Brayan give me I roll my eyes because it was big.

POV: Brayan
I wake up and I miss cuddling my princess so much. I go to the bathroom and get ready fast and eat breakfast and to school I want.

(With rose at school)
{Lauren=L Bianca=B}

L: good morning best friend

R: good morning **looking down sad**

B,L: why are you sad

R: I miss someone and I don't see him until Wednesday

L: him??

R: yess

B: who? Does he come here? Is he cute?

R: my boyfriend, no, and he's my but yes he's hot

L: do you have a picture

(Gets her phone and show her a picture of him and her hugging and you can see him smiling)

B,L: he is cute


L: ok ok

B: so he is not here

R: no sadly

L: but you are going to see him Wednesday

R: but that to far away

B: aww Poor baby

R:🙄 ok let's go to class

(They walk to class)

(with Brayan)

{ Alex=A Ishmael=L}

L: hey bro what did you do over the weekend

B: met a beautiful girl

A: what's her name is she hot

B: Rose and she's my

L: oh

A: have a pic

B: bro you weird

A: what just asking

B: yes and she gorgeous she my babe girl

L: 😂

B: bro look
(Shows them a picture oh them)

A: wow she hot

B:😑 MY

L:bro she is hot tho so don't play with her bro

B: yeah I wasn't planning on it

A: ok let's go to class

B: yeah good idea

(The walk to class and Brayan had to set next to a girl because the teacher made him)

?: hey

B: hi
( trying to Ignore her)

F: hi I am Fatima

B: I am Brayan not trying to be rude but what do you want

F: I think you cute

B: thx but I have a girlfriend

F: she doesn't need to know

B: no I love her and your not even as pretty as her

F: **rolls her eyes** ok bye

( after that the day want by fast)

(With rose)

L: so what are you doing later

R: FaceTime with Brayan

B: ok 😂

L: hey look rose he is looking at you

R: who

L: that boy

R: I don't care

L:he's walking over here

?: hey your cute........

What is he going to say??

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