Cocky! Gary x Sassy! Reader

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Yes I did Blue and now I'm doing his anime counterpart. XD
Btw you have a Kantonian Raichu not an Alolan one. Sorry.

Your were walking down the path on the way to the Pokémon League, with your Raichu by your side. You had your Raichu since the beginning of your journey, back when it was just a Pikachu.
All of a sudden, you bumped into someone. "Well, well, well, look who it is. It's Y/N!"
You instantly knew who that voice belonged to.
None other than Gary Oak. Grandson of Professor Oak. He had his Umbreon with him, which he's had since it was an Eevee. You and Gary were rivals since childhood and both started your journey on the same day.
"What do you want oak tree?" You asked annoyed.
"Chill out. All I want is a battle Y/N. I promise you I'm gonna beat you this time." He replied.
"Be prepared to get chopped down oak tree!"

~ Timskip brought to you by Dialga cuz I'm too lazy to write the battle between Raichu and Umbreon.~

It was a tough battle but like always you eventually won.
"Strong as always eh Y/N?"
"Well of course I am!" You replied pridefully.
"Well could you be a little less sassy around me? Please~?" He asks. Gary kissed your cheek, giving you those cute lillipup eyes you couldn't say no to.
"F-fine...." you said flustered.

A/N: Artist unknown. If you know, plz tell me. Remix by Djthefishhead. Since a battle happens in this fanfic, I felt it would be better to put it in the Gary one instead of the Blue one. Sorry it's short. I got lazy with this one 😅 Anyways next oneshot will be REDDO-KUN :3 See ya!

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