12:real life

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Rowan felt exhausted. He was still so sad about Chris and, now he was upset with Tate for trying to make him forgive Chris so quickly. As he saw his group of friends he realized how much he really  didn't want to see Tate, and instead of going to them like he usually did he walked past them and into the building. As he walked into the building Rowan ran into another one of his problems that he was trying to avoid as he came face to face with Chris.
"Hey Row"
"Are you really still not talking to me?"
" I don't know we're you really still with Eva?"
" could you please just get over that and stop using it as an excuse to push me away"
" you are such a fucking asshole Chris and I don't want to see you again"
Rowan quickly walked away from Chris and up the stairs to his class. Of course with Rowan's recent luck the only person in the class was Eva and as soon as she saw him a small smile formed.
"Hey Rowan"
"Hi Eva"
" do you think we could talk now?"
" actually no I can't talk to you right now"

With that Rowan left the class deciding he was not in the mood for that shit anymore, and quickly made his way down the stairs so he could go back home.

"Hey Row where are you going"
"Oh my fucking god I can't catch a break"
" what are you talking about Row?"
"I'm not in the mood to talk to you Tate, or Eva, or fucking Chris. I'm fucking done with this shit"
" You finally talked to Chris?"
" that's none of your fucking business if I did or not"
"I'm so fucking tired of you right now Tatum, can you just leave me the fuck alone?!"
" fucking fine Rowan"
" I don't even know why I bother with you any more when all you do is act like a dick, and push everyone away!"
" I don't know why I put up with you when all you do is side with Chris and act like my feelings are bullshit!"
" maybe cause they fucking are! You fucking did this to yourself when you decided to date Chris and came up with those bullshit ass rules thinking Chris would follow them just to stay with the pretty boy of the school "
At those words tears filled Rowan's eyes which caused Tate's face to soften, and attempt to hug him only for Rowan to push him away.
"Rowan wait I'm sor-"
" fuck off Tate"
Rowan finally got out the door of the school,
and made his way home with tears streaming down his face.

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