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I've had three classes so far, and that cute girl is in all of them. I'm not complaining, I mean she's beautiful. I spent most of the lessons staring at her and I don't even know her name. Finally class is over and it's lunch time. When a stampede of students rush out the door, me and her are the last ones out. "Hey you wanna come to lunch with me?" she asks. "Sure" I try not to sound too excited. She gives me that sweet smile of hers and we head to lunch.

When we get there, there aren't any free tables. She points to a table with two girls on it-one with blonde wavy hair just past her shoulders and the other with brown hair all to one side. I wanted me and her to be alone but I guess this is okay. "Hey do you mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full" she asks the girls. "Sure" the brunette girl replies and we sit down. "I'm Spencer and this is uhm.." she looks at me. "Aria" I finish for her. "I'm  Hanna and this is Emily" the blonde says, pointing to the girl next to her.

I can see that rude blonde girl I bumped into earlier across the room. She caught me staring at her so I quickly look away.  "Why were you staring at me?" I heard a voice behind me. Great. Why did she have to come over here. "I-I wasn't I was just-" "Save it!" she shouts. What is her problem. "Alison, stop" Spencer yelled at her. "Whatever" she flips her blonde hair around and storms off.

When we finished our last lesson Spencer invited me over to study. I can't belive she actually wants me to come to her house. Me!

She has such a nice room, I don't know how she keeps it so tidy. "I love your room" I say shyly. "Thanks. Come on Let's start" she replies. When we sit on her bed I can't help but notice our arms touching, it sends shivers all through my body. I have the urge to just hold her, for her to be mine. "Aria? Can I ask you something?". "Y-yeah" I sound so stupid. "I was just wondering. Whenever you talk to people, you act like you've never spoken to someone before. Like you're surprised that someone is talking to you. Why?". Why does she have to be so smart. Should I tell her? I don't know. I want to. "I-I...uhm..I" "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked-" "No it's okay" I interrupt. I take a deep breath and look down. "I-I didn't really have friends at my old school" I tell her. "Why not? I like you, you're really sweet". She thinks I'm sweet? "I-it's k-kind of a long s-story" I say. She turns to face me and crosses her legs with a smile. That smile. "I have time".

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