Sometimes, I really regret waking up. -Ventress

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He was feeling quite content and peaceful, really. Obi-Wan allowed the beautiful, calm blackness to wash over him, the last thing that he saw was the crimson blade of Vader. He seemed to float that way for some time. If he could guess, he would say that he was in the nexus of the Force, the gateway between the dead and the living.

And then, it ended. There was a sudden, violent pulling motion, and light exploded all around him. For a moment, he panicked. Was he finally becoming one with the Force, his essence dispersing in the Cosmic Force? Most likely, but a nagging feeling inside him told him that that was not the case.

He felt his aching body jerking, before he opened his bleary eyes. There was someone in front of him. He blinked, his vision suddenly sharpening into focus. He let loose some Huttese curses. "Sithin Hells!" He yelled . "Ventress, what are you doing here?"

———— ————-

Ventress was having a particularly bad day. She stormed her way to the holding cells in her castle in Ratatak. Time to have a chat with the prisoner. Ugh, she really hated Obi-Wan Kenobi. Partly because he was a Jedi, but mostly, because, well.... because he was Kenobi.

The one and only sassy Jedi who tried to flirt with anything and everything that moved.

She pushed open the heavy, durasteel cell doors. Aw, look at that.

The Jedi was asleep on the floor. Snoring softly. How cute.

Oh well, time to wake him up. She made her way over to Kenobi and slapped him the the face. Hard. "Wake up, sleepyhead." She yelled onto his ear.

She watched, amused, as the Jedi jerked and opened his eye. Kenobi blinked, and as soon as he caught sight of her, he suddenly spat out some very interesting curses and yelled. "Sithin kriffing hells! Ventress, what are you doing here?"

Ventress blinked. "Kenobi, do you have a concussion? You are my prisioner, remember? Battle of Jabiim? Also, that was some very colourful curses. Do Jedi even curse?"

"Jabiim?" Kenobi said, very obviously confused.

"Battle of Jabiim. I captured you. Don't remember?" Ventress said slowly, eyeing the Jedi. "I swear, Kenobi, if this is some kind of trick..."

Instead, Kenobi said the last thing she would have expected to hear.

"I'm dead." He said slowly, as if trying to convince himself. "You're dead."

"No, you are not dead and neither am I." She replied, crossing her arms. "Are you crazy? Did you have a concussion?"

Kenobi was silent for a moment. "What date is it?" He suddenly asked.

"21 bby." She told him.

"Impossible." He murmured.

"Honestly, Kenobi. You've only been here for two days." She told him, rolling her eyes. She jumped back a little, as the Jedi turned to look at her.

"This is real?" Kenobi asked quietly, getting to his feet

"Yes, you're really my prisioner." She replied, watching him wearily.

————— ————
Obi-Wan's mind was whirling. Somehow, he was back in the past. How had this happened? Though, he was willing to bet that this was the work of a Skywalker. He'd eat his lightsaber if it wasn't.

A sudden swell of joy and happiness took him by surprise. He was home!

He noticed Ventress watching him. Ventress. She was alive! He vowed that this time he would save her from Dooku. Gosh, he was so giddy about the fact that he had a second chance, he actually tackled the startled Dathomarian and hugged her gleefully.

————- ———-
Something was seriously wrong with him.

What kind of Jedi would be glad at being captured? Even from her, Ventress could sense his sudden joy and happiness. Then he jumped up and HUGGED her.

"Kenobi! What is wrong with you?" She sputtered, trying to push the happy Jedi. "Are you on spice?"

"No," he replied, absolutely gleeful. "I'm back!"

She would never admit it, but Ventress actually ran off, panicked from the cell, and locked the door behind her. She stood there for a while, panting. Shakily, she took out her comlink, and called the Jedi Council. "Skywalker. You can take your Jedi Master back. Just make sure to keep him far away from me."

She took a deep breath. "I swear on my lightsabers that it isn't my fault."

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