Chapter 4: Our Family... now completed

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The next day, Mira woke up, weirdly, Aqua wasn't next to her.

Mira rubbed her eyes and looked around, she found that Aqua moved around in her sleep. of course she forgot to re-fasten the belt to hold her too the previous day

Mira laughed as she swam up and pulled Aqua towards the bed, she fastened the bedbelt, grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe then left the room, off to the house

When she arrived, she found her that mother had cooked alot of food
"Good morning mum!" She greeted

"Hello Mira! Feeling better?"
"Yeah, very much, what's all the food for?"
"Don't you know? Phalcon and Crow are moving in today"
"That quick? When are they coming?"
"They should be here within the hour, go brush and dress until they come"
"Okay... oh by the way, mum" she paused, May looked at her "Congratulations on your marriage"
May smiled, Mira went into the bathroom for her daily war.
When she got out of the dryroom she saw Phalcon and Crow, both looking at May, they had two medium bags with them, she smiled
"Phalcon!" She called, He looked at her and smiled too
"Mira!" He ran towards her, she too ran towards him and hugged him, she felt her heart flooding her body with warmer blood, filling her body with positive energy, he let her go
"Goodmorning beautiful" he said
"Goodmorning big bro"
"I left you barely standing yesterday, are you feeling better now?"
"Yeah! I just needed  some salt water of the ocean, I am all better now"
"Kids! Come on breakfast will be cold" May called
"Alright, Mum! I will come!" Phalcon replied nicely "come on Mira, let's have breakfast... together" he suggested, she nodded and followed him to the table, May had cooked all sorts of breakfast food; fish, eggs, tomatoes and cheese, wheat, and she put the cereal box nearby, there was a big milk container.

As for Mira and her family, she couldn't eat fish, and Phalcon couldn't eat eggs, chickens or any sort of birds, they both had cheese and tomatoes and a small amount of cereal.

As they were eating, Aqua came over, she was so tired that she just spent two seconds in the dryroom then came out and lied on the couch, Mira saw her lie down, she got off the table, washed her hands and went over to Aqua with a brush, she sat on her calves and gently brushed Aqua's hair, Aqua smiled as she looked at Mira, she groaned a little as she stretched.

She sat up and gave her back to Mira to be brushed, Mira smiled and continued brushing
"You like being spoiled don't you Luka?"
"You still can't sleep alone, huh, lil babe?" Aqua turned to her and hugged her
"Goodmorning Mero Mero" she said, Mira smiled
"Goodmorning, Luka Buka" Mira replied as she hugged Aqua back
"I am never calling you Aqua or Mira ever in my life again" Phalcon said as he looked from the breakfast table, Mira and Aqua looked at him
"And I am never calling you Phalcon ever in my life again" Mira and Aqua said in one voice, they both looked at each other and laughed and hugged each other again
"Oh.. well then what's my new name?"
Phalcon asked, Mira hummed
"I would say Pal" Aqua said "you know.. your name is PH-cool, it's time we remove the hydrogen and you become just P-cool"
"Dang Aqua, your jokes are very chemically deep" Phalcon joked
"I would say Phal sounds better" Mira suggested
"That just sounds like Fall, and I dont want to be a verb yet"
"Oh well Fafa it is!" Mira said
"Oh my goodness what have you just brought upon this cursed land??"
"The best nickname ever!!!"
They laughed for a little, then Aqua got up to get ready.

Phalcon and Mira grabbed their bags, Phalcon held Mira's hand and walked with her to school, she looked somewhat troubled
"Sis, is everything alright?" Phalcon asked
"Huh?" She glanced at him "Oh yeah I'm just thinking" she answered, then looked back at the ground
"About what?"
"It all just went by so quickly, one day my mum is a widow, the other she is married.... to a bird"
"Listen... I understand it is tough, but hey, we wished to have a sleepover or meet after school, literally yesterday it was a wish, today it came true"
"I know but... I never thought my mum would marry anyone after my dad" she explained, Phalcon sighed.

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