Chapter Fifty-Five: Abracadabra

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Indie's Point of View:

I opened my eyes, blinded by the beaming rays of sun coming in through my window. I watched Thaddeus as he nose twitched in his sleep, mumbling a collection of incoherent words. His eyebrows furrowed deeply, almost as if he was deep in thought whilst in his dream-state. His nose twitched once again before he sat up abruptly. I jumped from his sudden movement, the way his eyes turned red making me shudder. He didn't look at me, making my heart clench. "What's going on?" I asked, placing my hand on his bare chest. He shook is head curtly, still diverting his gaze from me as he stared at my bedroom door. He inhaled sharply, closing his eyes and covering my mouth as I began to speak again. I frowned, swatting as his hand.

He stood up abruptly, my eyes widening as I saw claws extend from his fingertips. They were long and menacing, resembling the sharpness and angularity of the claws on a lions strong paws. I shifted back into the bed, terrified to see Thaddeus in such an angry state once again.

"Who is there?" Thaddeus growled out, making my heart sink even further. There was an intruder? All of the worst scenarios flashed my head as I felt my pulse quicken. I looked around my room for any signs of movement, but there was nothing. There were no footsteps either, making my anxiety heighten. I couldn't hear anything or do anything, making me feel powerless. If Thaddeus was this angry, it had to be bad. I opened my mouth once again, before Thaddeus' head snapped over to look at me. The previous look of peacefulness and adoration had left his face, instead he looked angry. He put his finger over his mouth, motioning for me to stay silent. I quietly pulled on my hoodie and shorts that were resting on the bed, moving slowly and hesitantly in order to avoid making Thaddeus even more angry.

"Alpha Thaddeus, come out now!" I heard a deep, menacing voice roar from outside of my house. My eyes darted to Thaddeus, whose eyes were turned more and more scarlet red by the second.

"Stay in here, Indie. I am not kidding." Thaddeus growled, before exiting the room. My heart was racing as if I had just run an entire marathon. I heard murmurs coming from outside, and a variety of slightly differently pitched growls. I felt vomit rising in my throat as I heard an ear-piercing, blood-curdling scream come from a woman. Thaddeus roared loudly, making tears blur my vision. I couldn't take it any longer — I had to know what was happening.

I carefully swung my legs over the bed, walking towards the wall as I pressed my ear. The screams and yells were only becoming louder and louder, making me wince. I stepped out slowly, coming face-to-face with Thaddeus and three other men. Thaddeus had blood splattered across his chest and face, two dead corpses laying on the grass beside him, their lifeless bodies drained of all blood as it drained and soaked into the earthly ground. I felt myself gag, the feeling of fight-or-flight overwhelming my instincts.

"You're arrested for witchcraft, Luna. Hell, I can't even call you that." A tall, pale man with a scar running down his face spat at me. I frowned, taking a step closer while Thaddeus stood in front of me, holding me back. He growled warningly, but I truly didn't care. I would do whatever the fuck I wanted to, especially because this asshole had the audacity to talk to me like that.

"Say it don't spray it, dickhead." I scoffed, wiping spit off of my cheek. He snarled at me, canines extending.

"What, you're trying to scare me? And I'm not a witch, I don't practice witchcraft. However, I could on you. Abracadabra, bitch." Oh fuck, that's what a magician says, I thought while internally slapping myself.

"Your ancestors cursed all of us. For years upon years, they have taunted us, teased... Made our lives living hell. In no world will you ever be the respected mistress of the werewolf or supernatural community. Thaddeus, accepting this witch as your mate is utter treason to us omegas and other wolves. The council has already been notified for your disgraceful acts against us. You're lucky we haven't ripped out her throat already." Thaddeus lunged at his, lifting him up by his neck as the man gasped for air like a fish out of water. Another man standing beside him attacked Thaddeus, before Thaddeus reached up to his face and gauged his eyes out with his claws. The man screamed in agony, blood pouring from the sockets at he grasped at whatever was left of his eyes. I bent over, trying to catch my breath and not projectile vomit at what I had just witnessed before me. This had to be a sick, discarding nightmare.

The only sounds now were the heavy breathing of Thaddeus, and the now quieting sound of the mans scream as the life slowly left his body. I stood there stunned, the gusting wind blowing over my face. In front of me were 4 men, all mutilated in some shape or form. The blood poured of each of their wounds relentlessly, the ground absorbing it like quicksand. The stench of thick, metallic smelling blood wafted into my nose. I felt all of the color leave my face, knowing that the a I loved had done this. He was capable of such cruelty — I had only seen the tip of the iceberg before. Both of our heads snapped when we heard rustling in the bushes, and a slow sardonic clap. An evil, menacing clap echoed in the distance as Thaddeus growled to assert his dominance once again.

"It's either her, or your precious sister. Is Mila her name?" The voice said, gripping her as she looked around frantically. The man had shaggy red hair and practically black eyes spoke. He had to be in his late 40s, due to the grey that peppered his stubble. In that moment, it had all hit me. This entire time, I had been making sarcastic jokes and remarks to these men — whilst being unaware that they would actually hurt Mila. I try to make humor out of fucked up situations, but this time it bit me right back in the ass.

"Why are you doing this?" Thaddeus roared. "The Counsel will be furious with you, there must be a trial first!"

"Because you have betrayed us. We will not stand with you and support you as this fraud tries to govern us. She knows nothing about us, she has no right!" I eyed him up and down warningly, pushing the urge to sock him in the eye away from my thoughts. The man pulled Mila closer to his chest, making my heart lurch. A rusted dagger was pressed to her throat, her eyes wide with fear and anger. She kicked her legs, squirming vigorously. Thaddeus took a step forward, growling as a drop of blood trickled down her neck. I touched Thaddeus' chest, shaking my head. I felt tears brim in my eyes as Mila gasped for breath, before Thaddeus pushed me back and lunges at them. However, as strong and mighty as Thaddeus was, he was now 4 to 1. More men came
from the forest, lunging at his body. I felt a panic attack rising in my chest, the pain Thaddeus felt directly transmitting into me. I felt my knees weaken as I pulled out the handgun from my back pocket, covered by my sweater. I began to feel myself getting dizzy, the sight of my mate being attacked making me feel sick to my stomach and utterly helpless. I cocked the gun behind my back, before bringing it forward with trembling hands.

Everything was moving in slow-motion, the way my index finger was tightly clutching the trigger making
me tremble like a leaf. Thaddeus and the men continued attacking each other, blood pouring out of each of them. It was all far too quick for me to understand what was truly happening and how badly Thaddeus was hurt, making me even more terrified. Mila lay on the ground, her chest falling at a slow rate as her eyes began to flutter close.

Then, I pulled the trigger.

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