Chapter Seventy-Three: Change

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Indie's Point of View:

       "Thaddeus," I croaked out, my throat burning from speaking. My lips felt dry and cracked, my body felt heavy lying on the hospital bed. My bones were seemingly sinking further and further into the hard mattress, making my body ache. My eyes locked with Thaddeus' before scanning his face. His facial hair was more grown out, his hair pulled into a small bun. He was nothing like the last time I saw him — considering his hair was freshly cut, and his face was cleanly shaven. The dark circles under his eyes were evident, making me frown. I saw his eyes gloss over, making my heart sink. Thaddeus never, ever cried. "My love," He mumbled, gently stroking my face. My heart lurched when his calloused fingers touched my face, making me instantly lean into his hand.

"What happened? Why am I here? What's going on?" I suddenly sat up in my bed, pain shooting up my entire body. I groaned as the pain swept over my limbs, making me lay back down on the bed. I tried to recall memories, but everything seemed foggy in my mind. All I could remember was the vivid dreams that seemed to be never ending in my mind. 

"There was an infection. A blood infection. You've been out for two weeks, Indie. I was terrified I was going to fucking lose you." His voice cracked as tears began to stream relentlessly down his chiseled face. My heart began to ache deep in my chest, the raw and uncomfortable feeling only raising my anxiety further. I reached my hand out to stroke his face, attempting to soothe his nerves. "I'm here, T. I always will be. Someone as badass as me doesn't just... disappear like that." I joked softly, trying to lighten the mood — despite the deep ache that still sat like a rock in my chest.

"How did this infection start?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to get him even more riled up.

"The bullets. There were undetected pathogens in them that attacked your immune system. Whoever shot you was trying to kill you, Indie. We have spent days and nights trying to figure this out, but we couldn't. We've had the entire state of Colorado looking, hoping for some sort of answer as to why someone would do this." The circles under his eyes made my unknown reason for guilt feel even more prevalent. I can't imagine what I would do if I were in his position, so I don't blame him. He looked like he hadn't had a good nights sleep in years.

"Thaddeus, I need to tell you something. And you have to promise me that you will not try to avenge her. Please." His eyes widened and his jaw clenched, the veins in his neck now protruding. "Anything, Indie." He whispered, a somewhat delirious look in his eyes. "I promise you. I just need to know so that we can get out of here."

"My mother." I said softly. "She... she wanted to try and take me from you, from the pack, from this life. She hates the werewolves, she wants them all dead due to the feud between us that happened so long ago. She wanted to... protect me." Thaddeus' eyes widened, turning black with anger. "I kept seeing her in my dreams... I can't remember exactly what she said, but she mentioned many times that she wanted to take me away, or something like that. Protect me."

"Your mother wanted to kill you, Indie." He growled out. I shuddered at the sight of his canines extending with each passing second, and the way his muscles clenched fiercely. I felt tears spring into my eyes as the realization hit me.

"She... she wanted to protect me, Thaddeus. I don't know why but I can't feel angry with her. She's delusional, T. You don't understand. She's absolutely delusional." I sobbed, burying my face in my hands. "I just need to recover from this. I need to get away from her, or have her away from me. I want to start my life, fully, without this fear. I want to settle down and have a family and be happy again. Ever since the attack, I've been so paranoid about everything. I'm always looking over my shoulder to make sure if everything is okay. I'm always in fight or flight mode. Do you know how exhausting that is?" I yelled angrily. I wasn't upset with Thaddeus, but with the entire situation. I had been bottling up all of my trauma and anxiety and sadness, but I can't anymore. I need to address my fears and problems head on. I can't keep living in the shadows and hoping for the best." My got tears trailed down my face and over my lips, my teeth chattering. I then began to hiccup uncontrollably, before Thaddeus gently pulled me into his strong arms. I clutched onto his shirt as I sobbed, my legs swung over him as he gently rubbed my back. I could tell he was being gentle with me due to my injuries and weak frame, but I pressed my body closer to him. His shirt became wet with tears I cried against his chest, taking in his comforting scent.

"I love you, Indie. I know you find difficulty talking about your past, and I can understand that. I cannot even begin to fathom what you've been through. But, Indie, we will find safety as well as solace. I will protect you no matter what. I'm sorry that this even happened in the first place. I'm so sorry." He said quietly, stroking my hair. I nodded, kissing his chest. My pulse began to slow as he gently rocked me in my arms, whispering comforting words to me.

"You will get everything you have ever dreamed of, Indie. There are not many things that I am certain of in this world, but this is one of them. I will give you the world if it is the last thing I do."

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