𝕾𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖔𝖑𝖋

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     "I still can't believe that your parents are making you move," said Amber's best friend, Natalie Baker with a sad expression on her face. "I'm going to miss you so much, Amber."
     "I know," was all Amber could choke out before she burst into tears.

     A week later, Amber and her parents traveled from sunny California to the vast countryside of Maine. Amber didn't like her school too well either. "I hate it here!" Amber complained to her mother after her first day of school on a cool September afternoon. "I miss my friends!"
     "Oh dear, you'll get used to it. Now where did I put the dishes for the kitchen?" Amber's mother said as she unpacked, not really paying attention to her daughter's opinion. Amber stared at her mother, shocked at how inconsiderate she could be. She shook her head and walked outside to catch the few sun rays that remained in September, picking up her copy of The Sword of Shannara on her way out.

     Like Amber had mentioned to her mother, she hated her new school. She felt completely lost and she had no friends to help her find her way. It was beginning to look like another rotten day. In English class, a mean hulk of a teenager named Cory tripped her as she walked back to her seat. And during lunch, he did the same causing her to fall right onto her tray as she fell to the floor. Amber was friendly enough. It was the other kids who didn't want to be friends with her.

     Indeed, it was the strangest high school that Amber had ever seen. The school had high, twelve-foot gates with barbed wire at the top! And there were three black German Shepherds that served as guard dogs! Is this place a school or a prison, she often wondered. How kooky can you get, she wondered after school as she eyed the vicious dogs. Amber had been there for a week but she still hated it. It was an okay place and all. But Amber missed having people to talk to and pass notes to during class.

     That night, Amber had a strange dream. She was sitting in the shade of an old oak tree eating her lunch when a shadow fell across her. She looked up and saw a crooked old Native American man staring at her. As he stared, he said the strangest words that Amber would ever hear: "Turn into the wolf pack and let their spirits guide you." Amber awoke in a cold sweat, bearing those words in mind.

     "What did that mean? "She asked herself out loud.

     Amber spent the entire day pondering the meaning of those words. At lunchtime, that jerk Cory took her behind the corner of the building. He backed her against the wall and produced a very sharp switchblade. Nobody could possibly know that they were missing--all of the students ate outside. "You'd better leave this place and never come back!" he snarled at her holding the knife to her throat. She silently prayed that he wouldn't kill her. Her prayers were answered when the bell rang and the other students began coming around the side of the building to get to the doors.

     Amber was afraid to tell any of the teachers or anyone else what had happened. Cory was the principal's son and she knew that nobody would believe her because he acted so innocent around the staff. They would probably assume that she was the one causing trouble. So the next day at school, she took her lunch up on a hill and sat under a nearby oak tree. She was just about to start eating when she heard footsteps coming towards her. Not again!" her mind screamed at her as the footsteps came closer. To her surprise, it was the same old man from her dream. It took her a moment to realize who it was. Furthermore, she realized that this was the same place that she had been in her dream. He repeated the same thing he had said before. "Turn into the wolf pack and let their spirits guide you."

     "What do you want from me?" demanded Amber but her voice was less than intimidating. As she screamed this at the man, he disappeared. At the end of the day, as she was walking home, she began to wonder what was going on.

     That night, as Amber was getting ready for bed, she thought she heard something outside her window. She looked and saw the most beautiful wolf she had ever seen. He was all white save for the gray markings that covered the top of his head and ran between his eyes. It wagged its tail and then ran away into the darkness.

     The next day at school, Amber didn't know what to expect. She knew that at lunchtime, she would find out. Sure enough, Cory came to threaten her again. This time, he brought the three German Shepherds with him. "I told you to get away from this place and to stay away from this place!" Cory shouted at her in anger. A crowd had gathered around the courtyard of the school and they were all cheering the jerk on. Cory let go of his dogs and they lunged at Amber, ready to attack.

     Suddenly, the same wolf from the night before came crashing through the woods and bounded between the dogs and the frightened girl. Then six other wolves of all sorts of markings came to join him. The German Shepherds backed away into a corner of the courtyard whimpering.

     Amber stared at the wolf's dazzling blue eyes. The wolf tossed something through his teeth to her. She caught it and discovered it was a medallion inscribed with the same words that the girl had heard so many times before. Turn into the wolf pack and let their spirits guide you.

     Amber suddenly knew what she had to do. She threw the medallion around her neck and shouted the words. She instantly transformed into a pure black wolf. "The Regal One" she heard the wolves call her as she could now understand them. The wolves bowed to her and she ran into the woods with the rest of her pack at her heels. They continued running until they reached the forest beyond and had disappeared into its endless depths.

     The oddly prison-like school, the old Native American, the wolf and the medallion were all elements from another dream I had when I was young

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     The oddly prison-like school, the old Native American, the wolf and the medallion were all elements from another dream I had when I was young. The strange incantation was also a fabrication of the astral plane, and is what stood out the most upon awakening. I wish I still had strange dreams. These days I don't remember them.

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