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I rolled over noticing that the bed was way comfier than mine at home. Where am I? I slowly peeled my eyes open to be greeted with the bright sun shining in my eyes. I groaned and rolled over to look for a clock.

9:32am read the small digital clock. I sat up with a slight whimper before throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I stretched my arms before panicking. Shit! I had to be at work at 6!! I quickly ran to the bathroom --almost dying in the process-- before I groaned. I had no clothes. Clothes...WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!

I walked out the bathroom very curious. The only thing I remember from last night was the man trying to rape me before everything went black. I slowly walked out the bedroom I was sleeping in and wandered down the hallway humming. I heard footsteps in a room to my right making me jump.

"shit.." I cursed and slowly backed away from the room. The door opened making me fill on sprint away.

"K-keegan!! Shit"I heard a deep voice calling after me as I slammer the bedroom door shut and diving on the bed. Who the fuck was in the bedroom and why does he know my name?

I heard the door creak open making mr whimper. im gonna die. I'm gonna die. He's gonna kill-

"Keegan, why did you run?"  His deep voice cut my thoughts off. Wait, I knew that voice. I peeked over the covers before gasping and hiding. Its Him! Its my damn boss!!

"Keegan honey.."Milrose sighed and sat on the end of the bed. "I have your clothes washed and folded downstairs. Do you want some breakfast?" He said rubbing my ankle through the blanket.

I nodded slowly before taking the blankets off me. "W-what happened to my clothes? did we have sex? oh my god we did. I'm sorry i-" I was cut off by Milrose laughing softly.

"No we didn't have sex. You're clothes were uh..dirty from last night so I washed them. I swear I looked away, okay I didn't. Cute underwear by the way" I blushed deeply before slowly rising up the shirt showing my black lace panties. Great.

"t-thanks. I'm sorry you found me last night. I'll leave soon so I'm not a bother."I spoke softly as I stood up before I was pulled back down. I looked up at Milrose with big doe eyes.

"Rest please. I saw what happened last night...you need a break" He smiled sadly making me frown. What happened last night?

I sighed and laid down on the bed, pulling the blanket up to my nose humming. I looked back up at him before frowning again.

"are you going to work?" I mumbled softly. Milrose nodded softly before standing up. I grabbed his hand whining, "can you stay hoke with me? I'm still, scared to be alone here"

Milrose took a deep breath before nodding. I giggled softly as I yanked him on the bed sitting up, "where's the remote?"I mumbled as i felt around the bed before finding it under the pillow. I cut on the tv before finding a movie. Milrose sat there awkwardly making me blush.

"y-you can lay beside me if you w-want and we can watch the movie together?"I said which came out more like a question. He nodded softly before slipping off his shoes then his coat. He slowly undid his tie and throwing it across the room making it land on a spare chair. He crawled beside me making sure to keep a safe distance.

"You know, I'm not scared of you. Since ik just in panties and a T-shirt..you can take off your shirt"I mumbled as I started to unbutton his shirt. He watched with an intense gaze making my hands tremble lightly.

Once the shirt was unbuttoned completely, I slowly pushed it over his shoulders letting my hands brush his smooth skin. I took the shirt away from him and tossed it on the floor humming.

"There we go"I smiled and leaned against the pillows looking at the tv which had some cartoon movies on it. I still felt Milrose's gaze on me, making me slightly blush. I slowly turned my gaze back to him biting my lip

Milrose hummed and smirked as his hand felt for my hip. "if you wanted to see anybody, you should've asked"he chuckled softly. I whined and his my face in his chest.

"This is wrong. I'm in bed with my boss"I groaned softly. Milrose tilted my head up making me whine again.

"Actually, I wanna talk to you. Instead of working at the office, you can be my maid here" he smirked making me gasped. His Maid?!

"W-why?"I said sitting up slowly. "d-did you find someone better? I promise I'll learn quickly!!"I almost shouted. I wad literally shaking. Was he firing me before I even started?!

"Calm down cutie. I just wanna see you everyday at my house..wearing cute outfits"he winked making my face heat up.

"if you want sex, I'll give it to you. I'm not exactly innocent"I mumbled as I bit my lip. Maybe he just wants me as a sex slave?

"No Sex. Just you cleaning my house and washing my clothes really"he shrugged making me nod slowly.

"You can start tomorrow. You can stay the night if you want okay?" I nodded quickly before hugging him tightly. "Thank you..so much Mr.Milrose"I giggled before kissing all over his face "This means the world to me."

Milrose nodded softly as I jumped from the bed. "May I shower?" He nodded as I snatched up his button-up from the floor and walked to the bathroom and closed the door softly.

I stripped from all of my clothes before cutting on the shower. I stepped inside sighing as I felt the hot water sooth my skin. I scrubbed my body clean before I washed my hair slowly.

After I finished, I dried my body before slipping back on the panties and Milrose's shirt. I giggled at how it ended mid thigh. I walked out the bathroom giggling before seeing Milrose passed out. I hummed softly before laying beside him, cuddling into him. I soon found my eyes drooping as I fell into a deep sleep.
hey guys. sorry for the slow update. schools sucks actual ass and I'm having bad drama so..yeah

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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