Night on the Town

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Sprawling across her bed, Genna Gold Westfall sets down her romance novel to answer the soft but urgent knock at the door. Her mother, Yrene, illuminated with a mischievous smile, hurries in and quickly closes the door. Genna with a questioning look sits on the bed as Yrene begins to explain her "master plot" in which the pair will escape the confines of the stone walls to enjoy the wonders of Ardalan at night. Genna's face lights up since her father never lets her outside of the castle gates. The ladies venture through the secret passage in Celaena's old room down the hall (Aelin told Yrene but Chaol doesn't know that), taking the time to say hello to Mort, and arrive on the outskirts of the town square.

Spotting a small cafe, Genna grasps her mother's hand and guides her to the quaint white building. Inside, they enjoy chocolates rich with flavor, ice cream topped with sprinkles, and pastries filled with cream. Waving goodbye, the girls exit and proceed to a store owned by a friend of Aelin's. Greeted at the door, the women browse the glass displays showing off beautiful gems and jewelry. Genna leaves the store with a solid, twinkling amethyst ring, and Yrene leaves with peach-colored earrings lined with tiny diamonds. Flaunting their new pieces, the mother and daughter strut down the street to the inviting bookstore with trinkets in the windows. For the next hour and a half, Yrene chats with the owner as Genna, eyes lit up with wonder, explores the bookshelves. She acquired a passion for reading from Uncle Dorian and Aunt Aelin. Genna emerges from the magic with a stack of twenty books to the surprise of Yrene who pays and gives delivery instructions for the next day. The call of music pulls them to the town square where a small band plays quick and upbeat songs. Joined with many other townspeople, the pair dances their hearts out. The band closes its last tune as the clock sounds one. Agreeing to head home but not wanting to walk, Genna chases after and catches a carriage.

The white and black horses halt a turn away from the castle gate. Thanking the driver, Yrene hands a hooded cloak to Genna. Hidden in the shadows, the girls sneak through the small guard entrance next to the gate, through the dim, candle-lit hallways, and then into Genna's room. Giggling, the pair collapses on the bed and launch into stories to fill their heads for the rest of the night.

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