New school year

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Ah yes, a new year at Yuki High in Yuki-Sakura ((a small town in Datlof)). 
This means a new year of suffering and hell at school for none other than Kai Jackson. Him and school don't really go well together but he goes, only because his best friend Owen likes going to school.

Kai woke up with a start as his alarm went off like crazy. He groaned and attempted to put his alarm on sleep which caused it to go off five minutes later.
'Hey Kai get up your dad let me in!' Owen called before kicking the other boys bedroom door down with a grin on his face, 
'MmmMMMMmmm...' Kai groaned again rolling in his bed and pulling his duvet over his head,
'Ah, ah, ah... come on! you said you wouldn't miss the first day this year! My girlfriend's waiting outside.' Owen said before pulling the duvet off of Kai's bed. Revealing the fact that Kai sleeps in Hello Kitty pyjama bottoms, 'Oh my God...'
'Shut up! god ask for consent first dude... Jesus...' Kai joked and Owen gave him the parental stare he's gotten all too often from him in the past,
'Up, now, we're going to be late.' Owen spoke as if he was hiding a laugh behind his fake frown.
'Whatever... five more minutes~' Kai mumbled before nuzzling his head back into his pillow.
'Kai. Don't make me expose you in front of the rest of our friends about your Hello Kitty fetish.'
'One, it's not a fetish, and two, you wouldn't dare tell people. I'm your best friend I know you wouldn't tell anyone.' Kai mumbled finally sitting up and scratching the back of his neck.
'Oh shut up, you don't know that! Just put some clothes on and hurry up!'
'I need a shower.'
'Take one after school or you know during your lunch break? You live three minutes away from the school grounds.' Owen muttered opening Kai's wardrobe and chucking a t-shirt, over-shirt and pair of jeans at his friend.
'Ow... and yeah I guess I could take one during our lunch break.' Kai mumbled picking up the clothes that were thrown at him and standing up. He pulled his t-shirt on and stared at his friend as he stood at the door,
'Go on, I don't trust that you'll get fully dressed and come downstairs if I leave you alone in your room.' Owen explained, crossing his arms and leaning on the doorway,
'Are you sure it's not just because I'm insanely attractive to you? No? okay, fair enough. tough crowd.' Kai joked once more before turning away from his best friend and changing into his jeans.
He wrapped the over-shirt around his waist and almost struggled to put his converse shoes on. 
Once he was done him and Owen both slid down the stair rail and landed in a heap on the ground.

'Ow...' Kai groaned having been the "air bag" for Owen when they landed,
'You're a shit air bag Kai. Anyways, grab an apple and lets go!' Owen jumped up and walked through the kitchen to the front door. Kai grunted in disapproval and grabbed the apple like Owen told him too and grabbed his school bag,
'Have a great day at school Kai.' His dad called from the living room, Kai poked his head through and gave his father a grin,
'Thanks dad, have a great day writing your novel.' He said before finally leaving the house.

Kai doesn't like Owen's girlfriend, he doesn't really have any valid reason to dislike her but the way she acts around him. He's not jealous... well he is... but he doesn't really understand why he's jealous or what he's jealous of.

'Morning Kai~' she chirped and Kai forced his best fake smile,
'Good morning Alison, how was your weekend?' He said through his smile,
'It was amazing! On Saturday Owen here took me to the cinema~' she boasted and Kai nodded,
'Yeah, I know... I was there too with the others... We all went at the same time by accident and I saw you guys...' Kai muttered and Alison smirked smugly,
'So you don't get anxious when you're not around him babe huh? You didn't plant the idea of going to the cinema into their heads on Friday after we all last hung out huh?' Alison joked and Owen rolled his eyes and chuckled,
'What can I say, Owen and I are on the same wave length when it comes to outside of school activities.' Kai said tucking hands in his pockets casually and walking ahead with on bag strap on his shoulder.

They walked to school with Kai describing a new idea he had for a mural round the back of the school, he was pretty excited about it and it made Owen smile softly as he spoke about how awesome it was going to be.
You see, the one thing that has never changed about Kai is his love of art. He's always loved art even if doing it gets him in trouble. When he was fifteen he was brought home by the police with a hefty lecture from the police officer about painting graffiti around the town centre. Kai's dad always supported his sons interests, he bought Kai a skate board when he was twelve which he's used as a form of transport ever since and also bought Kai his first proper sketch book the same year.
Ever since then Kai's been sketching anything and everything he's seen that he likes as well as painting his skateboard to match his style every time he changes it. 

They reached the school and the rest of their group bounded over to them.
In the group there's Kai, Owen, Alison, Aubrey, Kyler, Tyler ((They're twins)) and Austen. Austen's the eldest and the tallest, then it's Owen, then Kyler and Tyler then Aubrey with Alison just an inch shorter then it's Kai the youngest and shortest.
Kai doesn't care that he's short or younger than his friends, he can get away with being the cutest being the smallest. 

'Kai! Owen! Over here for a second will ya?' Austen beckoned the two best friends over away from the others,
'Yes?' Owen mumbled, and Kai had a grin on his face,
'So... tonight I'm throwing a new school year hang out session with the whole group and I know you guys are pretty chill and stuff so I was wondering if you could bring the alcohol? Kai I know your dad's gonna let you right?'
'Yeah probably, my dad buys beer in bulk whenever he gets an order of food in for his quote on quote guys nights with the other dads in my neighbour hood but they don't end up drinking anything and just play scrabble.' Kai explained and Austen nodded before looking at Owen,
'What about you Owen? Care to bring anything tonight?' 
'I could probably bring a bottle of Vodka... or two... you know what my mums like... I need to get rid of it before she can.' Owen said with a slightly sad smile, Kai pouted to himself for a moment, Owen's mother was an alcoholic, Kai knew that, everyone knew that after she came to tell their class what she did for a living, she came extremely drunk and Owen had to come in the next day with an apology. 
'Awesome! killing two birds with one stone!' Austen said whacking both Kai and Owen on the back enthusiastically. 

They all headed to class after that. Kai and Owen aren't in the same classes but they still have all the same breaks. Kai headed home with Owen during their lunch break and he had a quick shower before they headed back to the school.

But other than that, they don't see each other apart from breaks and before school and after school. 

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