New school year hang out gone wrong

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After school Kai headed home alone in order to get his things for Austens hang out session. 
He emptied his school bag and crouched down in front of the fridge, he began to fill his bag up with the beer his dad always buys, it's not a cheap beer either, it's pretty nice. 
He heard someone clear his throat from behind him and he froze up,
'What do you think you're doing Kai?'
'Shoving a bunch of beer into my school bag for a hang out session tonight at my friend's house, what do you think you're doing... Karen?' Kai said standing up and turning around to look at his fathers girlfriend, Karen's great, Kai has no problems with her in the slightest. 
'I'm watching my boyfriends only child shove beer into his school bag for a hang out session tonight at his friends house. Now do you need anything else for it? I have a bottle of Gin in the cupboard over there.' She said pointing to the cupboard Kai could never reach without a stool.
'Can you get it for me?'
'Nah, you're too young to drink gin. But I'll let you have the beers since your father never actually drinks them.' She said with a chuckle and Kai scooped a few more beers into his bag.

An hour later he arrived at Austen's house with Owen and Alison. 
'Yes! did you guys bring the drink?' He asked clapping his hands together, Kai pointed to his bag and Owen lifted up two bottles of vodka, 'Awesome! lets get this hang out session started then.' 

After a few hours of drinking beer and vodka the group decided to play a game of truth or dare.
'Alright lads...and ladies... we'll start with Alison! truth or dare?' Austen asked and Alison giggled,
'I dare you to... take your top off.' Austen said and Owen sighed, he hated drinking and was currently the sober one in the house. The only reason he comes to the hang out sessions is because of Kai, he can be a pretty light weight when it comes to drinking.
'Okay~' Alison said ripping her t-shirt off and throwing it at Owen's face, 'Owen, truth or dare~?' She asked and Owen glanced over at Kai who looked like he was having an existential crisis, which he was, being that he just realised he liked Owen more than just a friend or a best friend... he had a crush on Owen and he didn't want to have a crush on him. 
'Uh... Truth.'
'Okay~ who do you care about more, me or Kai?' she asked and Kai glanced up, his face was flushed red, 
'Uh... Kai, I've known him for longer and if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room then myself.' Owen said jokingly and Alison pouted,
'But you haven't had your tongue down his throat!' She whined and Owen, a guy who really loves to prove a point and to have the occasional laugh turned to face his best friend and stand up,
'We'll see about that, Kai follow me.' he said with a slight smug look at his girlfriend whined again,
'Noooooo! you're my boyfriend not his~!'

Owen dragged Kai out of the room and into the bathroom down the hall and locked the door, Kai was a blushing mess, he didn't know what was happening and he hoped this crush didn't last very long. 
'Kai, can I kiss you?' Owen asked in a serious tone of voice which made Kai blush even more, he was realising a lot of things right now and kissing Owen was one of the things he was realising he kinda wanted to do, he gulped and nodded awkwardly. 
Owen cupped Kai's face and brushed his thumb over his friends bottom lip, 'This is completely normal... You've thought about this before Owen you can do this...' he mumbled under his breath before placing his lips on to Kai's.
Kai froze up in panic before relaxing slightly and leaning back against the sink. Owen gently parted Kai's lips with his own mouth and brushed his tongue against the others. His chest felt like it was going to burst, he never actually thought he'd feel this way about his best friend kissing him and it was confusing him, it made him happy that it was happening but at the same time it crushed him that Owen was just using this as a cheap joke.
'Wait...' Kai mumbled pushing Owen away abruptly,
'Sorry... I... I'm sorry...' Owen mumbled and there was a knock on the bathroom door, Owen went to unlock and open the bathroom door and Kai just stared in a drunken confusion.
'Did you two actually kiss?' Tyler asked with a smirk plastered on his face,
'No, of course not. I wouldn't cheat on Alison for a joke.' 
'Yeah we didn't kiss...' Kai mumbled before pushing Owen out of the bathroom and throwing up into the toilet. His vision was slightly fuzzy from the drink and he had a knot in his stomach which just grew three sizes when Owen kissed him. 
He felt weird and he didn't really like it. He knew he wouldn't remember this in the morning but hell he wasn't looking forward to it either. 
It's not that he didn't like the kiss because he kinda did but the fact that Owen actually cheated on his girlfriend was on his conscious, and that he didn't like. 

Owen knelt down next to Kai and rubbed his back,
'Alright, I think I'll walk you home. Ty make sure you get Alison home safely... Austen weirds me out and I don't want drunk him near my girlfriend.' Owen muttered and helped Kai up to his feet. 
Kai randomly started sobbing, he tended to be emotional when he was drunk but never this emotional. You could say all of his feelings towards his best friend were seeping out of him by his tears, but thats just metaphorical. 

Owen grabbed his jacket as he made Kai wait in the hall, when he came back he wrapped his best friend with the jacket and began their walk home.  
Kai sniffed and couldn't look over at his friend, at the moment he remembered what happened but by the time he woke up he would forget about kissing Owen, it would seem more like a dream than anything. 
'How are you feeling?' Owen asked looking over at his shorter friend,
'Better... You lied to Tyler...' Kai mumbled drunkenly, still not looking at his best friend,
'So did you, so it's fine. I don't know why I actually kissed you... I guess I had the opportunity so I took it... I know this may seem kinda petty but Alison was being a bitch about how close me and you were earlier when we walked home because I mentioned you for a second and then she went on a rant about how I might as well just date you instead.' Owen rambled and Kai stopped walking, his vision was getting fuzzy again and he felt like he was going to throw up once again. Owen stopped after a few seconds of walking alone and turned to see Kai throwing up in a random bin.

'Alright, I'm definitely going to have to stay over and make sure you're gonna be okay, and then I'll have to explain to your dad why you're piss faced off of beer... gah this is my fault for bringing the vodka...' Owen muttered to himself as he gently rubbed Kai's back again.
Owen cares a lot about Kai, and Kai cares a lot about Owen, and sometimes Kai does something stupid, in fact most times Kai does something stupid which Owen then has to clean up. For example, back when they were seven Kai drew all over his dads book draft in red crayon so Owen had took the blame for it and even attempted to log onto Kai's dad's computer and reprint the work. Another time Owen has cleaned up Kai's mess was when Kai was caught on the train tracks spraying graffiti on the tunnels, Owen took full blame for it and had to do three weeks of community service. 
Owen hardly messes up, but this time he knows he has. Bringing vodka to a party where he knows his best friend is going to be drinking and that his best friend's a lightweight... two very stupid things to forget when he grabbed the two bottles as his girlfriend continued to have a go at him for mentioning said best friend. 

But anyways, Owen managed to get Kai home and also explained to his dad why his son was piss faced drunk and throwing up in the wheely in outside their house.
He carried Kai up to his room and sat him on his bed,
'You need to change into your pyjamas dude.' Owen mumbled throwing them at his friend,
'Help me...?' Kai asked attempting to pull his t-shirt off over his head but failing, Owen blushed slightly and stepped closer to his friend, pulling the t-shirt over Kai's head. Kai wrapped his arms around Owens waist and pulled him onto the bed, Owen stopped himself from falling flat on his friend but putting his arms out. 
'How am I supposed to help you if you're stopping me from doing so?' Owen asked and Kai looked up at him innocently,
'That's not what I need help with.' Kai tugged at Owens waist until the other boys arms gave way, causing Owen to be flat against Kai.
'Then what do you need help with- oh...' Owen blushed red slightly before going to sit up, 'No... I can't help with that... I'm... I... I have a girlfriend and you're... you're drunk right now.' 
'What...? You can kiss me but when I ask you to do something you don't have to do it?' Kai asked in a drunken stupor. 
'I... I think I'm gonna sleep downstairs on the sofa tonight dude, you've had too much to drink.' Owen got off of the bed and walked over to the door,
'Owen~ don't leave me...' Kai whined and Owen glanced back at Kai, who was now sat up resting on his hands and knees with the duvet all messed up around him,
'Alright fine... I'll sleep on the floor you sleep in your bed and no touching because you're drunk as hell right now and you don't know what you're doing.' 
'Noooo share my bed, you'll wake up with a bad back...' Kai whined and Owen gave in, climbing into bed next to his best friend,
'No touching okay?' 
'Mhm...' Kai mumbled already breaking the rule Owen set for him, by cuddling his best friend as he slowly fell asleep.

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