Threes a crowd

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((Play the song when I say?? unless you wanna listen to all the whole time then go for it))

A few weeks have gone by since Kai's drunken mishap and a few things have happened;

One - Alison and Kai had a massive argument which resulted in Kai getting slapped around the face by Alison.
Two - Owen, unfortunately, taking Alison's side. 
Three - Kai avoiding everyone he was friends with since his argument with Alison.


Kai sat up in his room listening to his dad and his dads friends talk about the neighbourhood etc. whilst he drank away his disappointment. He tried to sketch something, but they mostly ended up being vent art, he also thought about going to the skate park but remembered Kyler and Tyler spend their time there after school most days. 

The reason him and Alison argued was mostly due to the fact Owen was spending more time with her than he was with Kai.
It all started like this:

Flash Back:

Kai walked into school two weeks after the first day of school, Owen didn't seem to spend much time around him anymore and it was bugging him. So he decided to talk to him about it civilly. 
'Owen! Bro, I wanted to talk to you about something quickly.' He said, tucking his hands into his jean pockets and bouncing on the balls of his feet. 
'Uhh... yeah sure, now?'
'Yeah, before we have to head to classes and stuff...' Kai mumbled, God he was making everything so awkward!
'Cool, I'll meet you at maths Alison okay?'
'No, I can wait.'
'Threes a crowd Alison. He said he'd meet you at maths.' Kai muttered saltily, 
'Oh shut up! No reason to be jealous that I'm closer to your "best friend" now then you are. God...'
'I just want to talk to him about something in private you bitch piss off.'
'I'm not a bitch!' 
'Yes you fucking are, or would you prefer the term whore?' Kai asked, the glint in his eye was gone and Owen could tell he was getting mad, 
'Kai, just calm down... She's my girlfriend after all, you can't call her names like that.' Owen muttered and Kai scoffed,
'What? I'm just calling her what she is! nothing wrong with that. I just want to talk to you privately and she's not letting you, normally you'd be more stern with her.' Kai pointed out, glaring at Alison and Owen, it crushed Owens heart seeing Kai get angry because of him. 
'Kai, if it's okay with you, may Alison listen to our conversation?' 
'If she must. Alright, why don't you spend time with me anymore dude? We're best friends.'
'Jealous are we?' Alison asked in a whisper and Kai snapped,
'Say that again I fucking dare you.' He hissed, stepping forwards,
'Stay away from me you fucking creep! You were only in the group because Owen was in the group first, we didn't actually want you in the group you fucking freak!' Alison hissed back before slapping Kai around the face and shoving him away, his back hit the wall behind him and he winced in pain,
'Owen just answer my fucking question.' Kai muttered, a lump forming in his throat, 
'I... I... I don't think we should be friends anymore... you're holding me back and you're clinging to the last drops of our friendship and that's not healthy...' Owen mumbled, obviously he was lying straight to his best friend's face, the reason he wasn't hanging out with Kai as much was because he told Alison that he did kiss Kai and she told him to stay away from him.
'I'm sorry Kai, it's time you grew up a bit... I'll see you around I guess.' and with that Owen and Alison walked off, Kai slumped to the ground and cupped the side of his face Alison slapped, it stung and she was wearing a ring so it cut his cheek. 

He doesn't really know why... but it felt a bit like a break up. He had just lost his best friend...

Flash Back Over.

Kai sighed and downed the rest of the beer he was drinking, he put his headphones in and slumped down onto his bed before closing his eyes. ((If you haven't started playing yet then play it now))

He missed talking to Owen everyday, ever since that argument he hasn't gone to school and he's stopped talking to everyone. He can't bare to face his old friends at the moment. So he started drinking more in hopes he'd forget everything had happened. 
There was a knock on his door and he took one headphone out,
'If it's dad then what? if it's not my dad then fuck off.' He called and the door opened to reveal Owen standing in the doorway with his school bag on his shoulder,
'We need to talk.' He said bluntly and dropped his bag on the floor before walking over to Kai's bed,
'What do you mean we need to talk? You were the one to tell me never to talk to you again and that I was "clinging onto the last drops of our friendship" remember?' Kai muttered, in the past weeks he's drank a lot and surprising learnt to hide it pretty well. But this was Owen he was talking to, and Owen could always tell what he was thinking just by looking at him.
'How much have you drank this week?' Owen asked, ignoring Kai's complaint,
'None of your business. Besides, you shouldn't care about me anymore. We're not friends remember?'
'I saw your dad at the shops this morning before school and he asked me if everything was okay between us because he had noticed he was missing more and more beer as the week went on, so tell me the truth, how much have you drank this week?' 
'This week... about fifty cans.' Kai muttered kicking one under his bed,
'Jesus... you're going to turn into an alcoholic at this rate! Kai, please don't do this to yourself, you'll end up getting alcohol poisoning and I don't want that.' 
'Are you sure you don't want that? I won't be in your life permanently, therefore not holding you back any more than I should.' Kai muttered still lying down on his bed,
'Kai. I lied to you when I said you were holding me back. I only said that because I told Alison that I kissed you and she-'
'Wait wait wait.... you kissed me? when was this?'
'You don't remember? It was the first day back at school... you threw up afterwards and I took you home then you got an erection and asked me to help you with it which I didn't and then we fell asleep with your drool all over my shirt.' Owen explained and Kai sat up pretty quickly in shock, causing him to get lightheaded for a moment,

'You kissed me whilst I was drunk and didn't bother telling me when I was sober the next day?' Kai asked and Owen looked down sheepishly,
'I didn't want to mess things up between us, I have a girlfriend and you're straight... it would've made everything awkward between us in the long run.'
'I've never said I was straight. If you told me we kissed I wouldn't have been pissed off at you for it. In fact I'm jealous of Alison for being able to kiss you whenever she fucking wants. This may be the alcohol talking right now but I've thought about kissing you a lot since we stopped talking.' Kai explained and Owen lent towards his best friend and gently kissed Kai's lips,
'Oh. My. God.' Alison's voice rang through the room and Kai saw Owen physically tense up, 'You're gay?!' She yelled and Kai's dad appeared around the corner with a shocked look on his face, 'You alcoholic,' Alison picked up the nearest object  in the room, a clay ornament Kai made when he was seven, and lobbed it at Kai which hit his shoulder, 'Boyfriend stealing,' she threw a family portrait, frame and all, straight at Kai's face which he managed to block with his arm, 'Ass-hole!' she screamed throwing a shoe and accidentally hitting Owen right in the face, the shoe fell to the ground as the room fell into a dead silence. 
Blood dripped down from Owens nose and Kai's dad stepped in,
'Right, no one say anything or do anything. Owen come with me, cover your nose with your hands I'll help you with your nose bleed, you Alison, get downstairs and Kai is your shoulder okay?' 
Kai blinked slowly as he processed everything that just happened, how did Alison even get in here in the first place? Did Karen let her in? Owen just kissed him? Was that a dream? What the fuck happened in the space of one minute just now??

'Uh... yeah my shoulders fine. I'll sort Owen out dad don't worry.' Kai muttered getting up from his bed, a shooting pain went through his shoulder and he winced, hissed and grit his teeth before pretending that the pain wasn't there. 
Kai's dad sighed but let Kai help his best friend. 

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