Chapter 6 - Neil Meets a Volcano Diamond

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Neil headed toward the lounge for the academy's school year kickoff party. It served as an introduction for new recruits to current students and other important figures in the Space City community. He wore the academy uniform — navy pants, white button-down shirt, and a navy jacket with gold buttons in the front and at the wrists, and yellow epaulets on the shoulders. He felt a little ridiculous dressed up like this, but having new clothes confirmed that he was living a better life, free of his uncle.

The thick, white stone rails lining the steps to the lounge doubled as flowerbeds. Small red roses grew in the beds. Ahead of Neil, a boy walked up the steps and the roses suddenly transformed to white. Neil paused, staring at the roses. What had caused them to change color?

A stout man in uniform at the lounge entrance moved to block the boy. "Empty your pockets," the guard ordered.

"What for?" the boy asked, fidgeting with the pocket flaps on his jacket.

"Always someone thinks they can sneak alcohol past the roses," the guard answered.

Sneak alcohol past the roses? He must have heard that wrong. Except he had just seen the roses change colors before his eyes as the boy passed them.

The boy's shoulders slumped and he removed a small flask from the right jacket pocket. The man took the flask and let the boy enter.

"How does that work?" Neil asked, eyeing the roses, which turned back to red as he climbed the steps.

The man eyed him levelly, and Neil realized that he possessed a fake left eye. Neil did his best not to stare, but it was difficult not to focus on it now that he had noticed it.

"You must be a new recruit," the guard said.

Neil nodded.

"The roses are genetically modified to detect alcohol. Similar to bomb-sniffing dogs, but significantly more sensitive. Every year a few of you think you're smart enough to sneak something past the roses. Never works."

"At least that you know of," Neil said, focusing on the roses to avoid staring at the eye. The roses didn't look different from any he might find back on Earth.

The guard laughed haughtily. "You're welcome to try."

Neil stared from the man to the roses and back. "I'm fine without." He stepped past the guard and entered the lounge.

White couches lined a good bit of the place. Small wooden tables with murals of stars, planets, and other space visuals carved into their sides were placed between the couches. In a corner of the room was a large bar beside a line of tables bearing trays heaped with food.

"Neil." Mr. Chapman, a champagne glass in hand, waived him over. He relaxed on a white couch. He was dressed in uniform with a Lieutenant General insignia — three stars on either shoulder.

Neil moved over to join him, sitting on the opposite end of the couch. "It's good to see you."

"How are you enjoying your first day? You've had an interesting introduction, no?" Mr. Chapman smiled broadly.

"You heard?" Neil asked.

Mr. Chapman gestured around the room. "Everyone is talking about it. You've left a lasting impression."

More than a few people in the lounge cast amused glances in Neil's direction, making him want to sink through the couch.

"Since my return to campus a couple of hours ago, this is my first reprieve from questions about my newest recruit." Mr. Chapman's smile didn't waiver. He seemed to be enjoying this. "There's rampant speculation over how you'll fare at the academy."

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