Chapter Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Get it?!)

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Even though Ten was not in this story, but he still deserve to be 👏appreciated👏

also when the picture above came out, i literally screaming. it's too much, my gay heart can't take it. 

Back to the story.


"Can we go to your house?" Jaehyun asked when they entered his room.

Taeyong was a bit taken back by the question. He just stared at his boyfriend while flashing back how he left his house. Was there any weapon that he left outside? Were all the knives he hung on the wall being put down? Did he hide the skull on the table in his bedroom? Oh shit! Did the gun room being sealed or not? He blinked once and nodded slowly. He had to go home actually in the first place. He needed new cloth.

Jaehyun smiled, showing his dimples and started to get ready. He opened the drawer and looked at the watch he got from his father. His first and last gift from his father. He found the gift box on the ground in his father's bedroom. He took the watch and caresses the gold metallic strap.


Jaehyun p.o.v

I read the message over and over again. My father informed me to come to his house tomorrow, alone. Like I would bring Jaemin in the first place. But this was something new. He never did something like this. He would always just have messaged or got someone to be his representative if he wanted to tell me something. So, when he told me to meet him, face to face, my stomach flipped. Of course, I'm nervous.

And tomorrow was my birthday. So, was it something related to it that he wanted me to meet him like this? Nah, it would be a miracle if he even remembered my birthday. I dialed Taeyong's number and waited. He picked up and I asked him for a date tomorrow. I wanted to surprise him by telling that tomorrow is my birthday. I wanted to see his reaction, it must be funny, the shock and guiltiness. Taeyong said something about procrastinating his work and I heard something like two pieces of metal being collided together. What was that? Where was he? He ended the call and I went to shower.

Morning came, and I was getting ready to go to my father's house. It was a bit late actually, around 10 in the morning. I was planning to head straight to where I was supposed to meet Taeyong after I settled with my father. Getting inside the car, I slapped my shaking hand. Can you just stop being nervous? I scolded myself. How could someone that hate me so much suddenly wanted to meet me?

20 minutes later, I arrived in front of my father's house. Wow, he's really hate his own sons that he decided to live this far from us. Knocking on the door, I waited for my father to open the door, but nothing came. I knocked once again, and the result was the same, no answer. Maybe he already left since I'm late. I thought. But his car was still here so he must be inside the house. I twisted the doorknob and the door opened slightly. I froze. Why he didn't lock the front door? It's dangerous. I pushed the door big enough for me to enter. Chills all over my body.

"Father?" I said as I slowly let myself into the house.

My jaws dropped as I stood still like a statue, looking inside. It was a complete mess. Everything was technically broke into pieces. I saw a gunshot on the wall and frowned. What happened here?

"Father?!" I raised my voice a bit, worried, scared.

I walked further into the house. This place was like being robbed or something. I walked passed a couch and froze again. I felt like all color have been drained from my body. There was a familiar figure laying on the ground beside the couch, blood everywhere.

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