« The Rising »

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The tide is rising
As I stare hopelessly
At the cold, limp sea
The weak and frail ocean

It keeps pushing
Even though it's so lifeless and lost
It keeps rising

I want it to keep rising

I'll sit here on the large crusted rocks
And stare night and day
At the wispy clouds
The hopeless sky
And let the tide keep rising

I'll let it consume me
I want it to keep rising
Until the entire world is water

The rising
Above the houses, pouring into chimneys
Covering towns and cities
Drenching even the very top of houses

I want it to keep rising
Because all I'm doing is falling
And I'll drown

I don't want to drown
But I'll let it happen

I'll sink beneath the waves
Losing breath


The tide creeps up closer to my feet
On these rocks

Maybe it will happen





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