Vilu: (got Jacob on her lap and cuddled up together as a family looking at the photo and said who everyone was in the photo besides Helen and Laura) so that’s everyone (cuddled Leon tightly) our family
Jacob: who are those two (pointed at Laura and Helen)
Leon: Maria, that’s your nanny (about to cry, Violetta put her arm around Leon and Leon pointed at Helen) and that’s your auntie Laura (pointed at Laura) but you haven’t met them, they was horrible to me and mummy so I don’t think it’s the best idea of you to meet them
Vilu: the love both of you, they just hate me
Maria: I want to meet them! I never knew I had a nanny! You know your nanny so I should know my nanny
Vilu: Maria, me and daddy will arrange a trip to Mexico, I never knew my nan for 17 years and I don’t want that for you (kissed Maria’s forehead and looked at Leon lovingly)
Leon: yeah, Jacob can come to as Jacobs mummy and daddy will be on their honeymoon
Angie: (walked into the room and hugged everyone especially vilu and sat down and Jacob sat on her lap) its so great that your home Violetta, I miss you so much
Vilu: I know, I have left my career to stay here, I need to tell the media
Leon: one big happy family (kissed vilu’s forehead)
Vilu: I need to tell the media (looks sad)
Angie: well why don’t we go to the studio and invite the media and perform at the front of the studio and Maria and Leon can perform with you! I will call Pablo to get everything set up
Vilu: that’s a good idea, I want everyone from the studio to perform with me, and all the kids, and all the teachers, a extra special performance
Leon: I can’t wait, I will call all students (got his phone out)
Vilu: I will get the kids ready, come on sweeties, you are going to be on the television (picked up Maria and Jacob and took them up stairs) now what do you want to wear Jacob?
Jacob: (hands over a blue top) this! Can you help me please?
Vilu: yes, as you asked so nicely (changed Jacob’s top and hugged the kids and they went down stairs and went to the living room as she needed to talk to Leon) Leon, I need the keys sweetheart! I will get you a charge of clothing (kissed Leon’s cheek)
Leon: why (looked at his top) its fine
Vilu: Leon, sweetheart, I can see that you went to motercross centre today, your covered in mud and the media is most probably going to talk to you, its fine around me but the media will humiliate you, I’m saying this for you, I love you so I don’t want you to suffer because of the media (kissed Leon’s cheek)
Leon: fine, here is the keys, I love you (smiling and handed over the keys)
Vilu: ok, love you too, see you in a minute, miss you (kissed Leon passionately) now kids, say good bye to Leon
Maria: bye daddy (hugged Leon and Leon kissed Maria’s forehead)
Jacob: bye the best uncle in the world (hugged Leon and Leon high fived him)
Vilu: good, now come to the car please my sweeties (they go to the car and goes to her house and got Maria changed and violetta did her makeup again and got a nice dress on and went back to Angie’s house and the went to the living room)
Angie: come on, we are ready to go, lets go (they leave and goes to the studio and goes inside so the media couldn’t see vilu) we are nearly ready to perform, don’t worry about dancing, just enjoy
Violetta you never know what's around the corner part 4
FanfictionSequel! Leonetta Hope you love itttttrr