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Nana Sue, my grandma used to say all beautiful people existed all around us and more particularly, the most beautiful people we're the fairies. Nana had claimed that fairies were just like us. I remember she was so fond of fairies and I couldn't get a grasp on why she loved them so much. Then I remember one day we were sitting around the house. Talking about everything and everyone, the fairy topic wouldn't leave my brain. Until I would ask my Nana about it.
"Nana? Why do you like fairies so much? " I asked her.
"Well Ivy, the fairies or faeries are like you and me. Good and bad people that live in the world. They have an elegance to where humans don't have in their looks. Living in places you wouldn't expect round here Ives. Having the most beautiful wings that grace their backs" she said.
I was awed of all the information she knew about the fairies. She subsisted that they are real, like me and every other person on the planet. I got on her lap and looked at her through her glasses and curly hair.

"Nana, have you seen a fairy before? Where do they live? How do they get their wings?" Asking very curiously? Then Nana started to tickle me. In those tickle ish places. Then set me back down. To look back at her for an answer.

"Well Ives, I have seen one yes. She was a beaut. Had the most beautiful wings that look like moonstones. Occasionally I would see them up in the holler. And how they would receive their wings is would be by having complete faith and confidence in themselves."

" Nana?" I looked up to her confused. "Will I have my wings when I have perfect faith?"
"Of course Ives, come on let's get you home to mom and dad." I nodded and we got my stuff prepared to head home to my parents in Jane Lew. On the way to Nana's station wagon. I couldn't help but notice a twinkling in a tree. Getting closer to the tree. I saw a beautiful fairy. Who had a purdy pair of moonstone wings that shined like the moon. I was so entranced by this beautiful lady with wings that I startled myself and ran to the station wagon.

On the way home to Jane Lew, I knew I saw a fairy. They are real, Nana was right. I hope to have perfect faith and have a pair of wings of my own.
But who is the fairy with the moonstone wings?

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