CHAPTER FOUR; part two

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     Halston and Grace show up around noon while I'm on shift under the pretense to do some schoolwork, though I know Halston's here for the cupcakes and Grace is here to ogle Dres. Not that I blame either of them. The cupcakes and the view are worth it. At least I think so. I still haven't tried the cupcakes. Or Dres, for that matter.

     "Any new flavors?" Halston asks with hope in her eyes as she steps up to the counter. Grace has her nose practically pressed to her phone.

     "Jamie wants to quit the team," she says as acknowledgment to me.

     I say to Halston, "Just put out some new selections." And then to Grace, "Because she's not a flyer anymore?"

     Grace makes a noise and rolls her eyes, shifting her gaze from her phone. "She is being so melodramatic. I can't take it." I nod empathetically, even though I don't really know what to say.

     "So," Grace says as Halston pushes past her to look at the cupcakes. "I was thinking that maybe you-know-who just isn't into me. That I'm just not his type, right?"

     I nod and shrug slightly. "Okay..."

     "But the only way to confirm this for sure is for Halston," she glances at her, "to give it a go as well."

     "I told you already I'm not doing it," Halston says stubbornly.

     "Convince her, please," Grace says. "This is a foolproof plan. Halston and I have totally opposite styles. So if he's not into me and he's not into her, then he must be into dick. We all can get some peace of mind."

     I fail to see her logic on this one but Grace has never been very logical. She just says things with enough convinction that you don't want to challenge her.

     "I have peace of mind," Halston says. "I am totally at peace."

     "You have no back bone is what you have," Grace responds.

     I stare, shocked by Grace's comment. "Seriously, what is going on between you two? It's been World War III since summer ended."

     Halston says, "It has not."

     "I mean it has," Grace responds. "But you don't want to have that conversation."

     Halston and Grace exchange looks. Halston naws at her bottom lip, looking at Grace with a sort of plea in her eyes.

     "Do either of you want to shed some light on this?"

     "Anyway," Grace says. "Halston. Flirting with Dres. It's the best way to rule out his sexuality. And then my ego can return to its natural state."

     "Your ego was never at a natural state," Halston snaps.

     "Can we put away the claws for five seconds?" I ask. "If Halston doesn't want to do it, she shouldn't have to. And you should stop being offended he's not interested. People can just not be interested in you, Grace. Doesn't make them gay."

     Grace frowns. "I know that. Think of this an experiment. I'm not asking you to throw yourself at him. Just get a conversation flowing. Talk about the cupcakes. Compliment his baking skills. I just want to observe him. See how he acts."

     "Fine," Halston says through gritted teeth. "Fine. I'll do it. If it'll get you to finally shut up about this."

     "You act like flirting is such a hardship. How do you expect to get a boyfriend?" Grace is walking off before she can even see how her words land. I watch the expression on Halston's face though, the hurt that registers loud and clear. Before I can say anything, she walks off, too. Without even ordering herself a cupcake.

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