Chapter 7: the party pt2

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After doing all the trick you could, you and Colby decided to get out and get a drink and sit on the lounge for a bit, it was just you two sitting in the lounge room

Y: so uh I got these messages on our way home from the shops

you show Colby the conversation you had with this person, he looked confused as he handed back your phone, after this he was very protective of you

C: do you know who it is?

Y: no clue, I honestly thought it was someone pranking me but I don't now cause of what they said.

C: yeah, no one would do that in this house and let it get that far

Y: yeah true, would you like a refill?

C: that would be lovely baby

you blushed got up and went and got the drinks. while you were distracted someone roofied your drink without you or anyone around you seeing. you grabbed the drinks and went back into the lounge room and gave Colby his drink and sat down next to him, you had a glass of water and he had a coke. you drink most of your drink and start to feel dizzy, at this point you and Colby went out the back to where everyone was, everything was going blurry

C: you okay y/n?

Y: y-yeah I'm f-fine

C: okay, you look a little off thats all

Y: yeah, i might go and lay down if thats okay

C: yeah babe I'll be up soon to check on you

Y: okay

you go inside and stumble up the stairs, you fall on the bed and your partially asleep when you see a blury dark figure walk in.... it wasn't colby.....

Y: w-who are you?

S: you did a bad thing y/n

Y: w-what

you start blacking out more and more, this stranger works his way up your body but you feel so weak all you could do was lay there

Y: s-stop what are you doing

S: nothing its okay


S: no, you need to be punished

the stranger pins your arms down, as he does that, colby was coming up the stair and you scream



colby runs and tackles the person to the ground, its a guy in his mid 20s. Aaron heard your scream and came up stairs, you couldn't move at this point like you were paralysed, you see Aaron walk in

A: w-whats going on!

Y: I-I can't move!

you burst in to tears as Aaron runs over to you and holds you (as friends)

C: call the police and then get Elton and Co-

CO: wha- what the fuck?!

C: its hard to explain but you need to get Elton and call the cops

your eyes started rolling back but you still held on and didn't go to sleep, you felt ashamed that you let this happen. the cops were called and Colby explained that you were roofied while at the party and that a creep intruded your personal space and was threatening to kill you, a cop came to sus out the situation, Colby showed the cop where it happened and you lied there paralysed form pain.

cop: can you explain to me what happened?

Y: so I went and got drinks for me and Colby and with me not realising someone slipped something into my drink, I wasn't feeling well 15 minutes after drinking the drink and so I went and lied down and he followed me and...... t-threatened me.

you broke down into tears as Colby sat next to you and started softly pushing the hair put of your face. the cops left and you started feeling less and less pain, eventually your back on your feet. you clean yourself up. tied your hair back and laid with Colby for a bit until you felt no pain and hour later it was about 10 pm the music was pumping and you went down and partied for the rest of the night.

hey guys I hope you liked this tea filled episode, I have things planned for this story so hang in there if your reading PEACE! :P

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