chapter 13: Coachella weekend pt.1

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*Trigger warning I guess?*

you get up out of bed finally and you both go next door, you're in black ripped jeans and one of Colby's hoodie he left at yours he still hasn't noticed. you both walk inside to be greeted by sam coming down the stairs.

S: hey guys! Have you guys packed yet?

Y: what for exactly?

S: Coachella weekend one?

C: shoot sorry y/n I forgot to tell you about it

Y: its okay colbs, I literally already have a bag packed

you giggle a little and you and Colby head up to his room. You saw that Colby was blushing hard but you didn't acknowledge it because you didn't want to embarrass him so you left it. he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his hips, you kissed him as you head into the room and locked the door, he gripped your waist and pulled you in closely as you collide lips, it was amazing, like nothing before. you laid in bed together with him laying his he on your stomach while you flicked through Instagram with one hand an played with his hair in the other.

you finally switched off your phone and got Colby off you as you went into the bathroom, you looked more tired than usual, you stood there looking at yourself for a bit squeezing at your skin and not acknowledging what you were doing, Colby walked in

C: y/n what are you doing to yourself

he grabbed your hand to stop you from leaving more marks on your stomach and arms, tears started rolling down your face as you felt defeated as you didn't know what was going, you felt good one minute then bad the next, Colby held you in his arms while you cried not knowing why.

*few hours later*

you just finished packing and getting your outfits ready, Colby came up behind you and kissed your neck as he wrapped his arms around you. you felt peace, it was amazing.

C: you ready to go?

Y: yeah just ;emme grab my medication

you went and grabbed your meds and hopped in the car with Colby and Sam and kat and the others went in Sam's car. we sang the whole car ride, well until, Colby got a text from an unknown number saying

Hey Colby ;) I'll be seeing you at Coachella? I think so, I hope that bitch won't be coming with you so we can have some alone time. - love katie <3

you felt aggravated, Colby looked confused because he didn't know what the message said.

C: whats wrong? who was that?

Y: oh just one of the first girls I met and now hate her guts.

you started clenching your teeth and digging your fingers into your hands. you clamed down a bit but you still did damage to your hands. you pick Colby's phone up and read him the message.

C: how- wait how did she get my number?!

Y: I don't know but apparently your having a good weekend.

hey guys I just wanna say thankyou for tuning into my book and getting me over 200 readers, please stay tuned as I will be writing more and might create a new book for imagines, for requests about names and who you want it to be with in the trap house or vlog squad groups. Anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter PEACE :P

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