"Pssst... Hey... Come on.... Hey, wake up..." a voice seemed to echo through my head. Letting out a groan, I slowly opened my eyes--which met with hers.
"Good morning!" She cooed. I looked up at her, slowly blinking in confusion. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the shadows of her blonde hair, her lips were curled up in a small smile. I looked down, a little uncomfortable of the position we were in. She was hovering over me with her arms on either side of me, the white laces from her pink hoodie were lightly touching my face."How'd you sleep?" she asked curiously. I sat up, pushing her off. I wanted to say 'Good', but nothing seemed to come out except for a small choking noise.
"I'm assuming that means you slept pretty good, right?" She guessed as she got up. I nodded, glad that she understood what I meant.
"Right, well you're going to have needed that sleep." She told me "After all, we're gonna have a lot to do today." I got onto my feet, giving her a curious look as if to say 'what do you mean by that?'. "Sammy's got work for us... again." She answered with a sigh. 'Again? What did that Lawrence want this time?' I wondered.
"Come on, we don't want to be late like last time. Sammy wasn't awfully cheerful about it." She reminded me as she signaled for me to follow. Reluctantly I did, trailing slowly behind. Emalia noticed and quickly turned to look at me with a disapproving look. "Something tells me you're just doing that to spite me." She noted unhappily. Though part of this was true, it was mostly just because of the fact I didn't want to run anymore errands for Sammy-or anyone for that matter. It was fine when it was just Piper and Fisher, but now with Sammy on my tracks as well, things have gotten much more irritating. It honestly feels like They think of me more of a puppet than an actual toon, not that they've actually expressed it or anything but it just feels that way.
Putting my thoughts aside I picked up the pace, following at a closer distance. "Thanks Striker, really appreciate that." Emalia thanked me as we moved along.Eventually after a few flights of stairs,
A few stories from Emalia, and a few never-ending amount of hallways, we eventually ended up in the music department. If you haven't seen the music department, it's basically a studio for instruments- and a pool table. To the right is a side room which has a pool table in it and a stairwell which leads up to the recording booth (which has only a desk and a projector in it), and on the left you have two options: Sammy's office or the music room. If you pick Sammy's office you have to go down a long hallway which has a few other rooms to explore. Such as: The organ player room, the stairs down to the nursing office, the closet, and of course; Sammy's office. Sammy's office is basically just this big open room with a desk, a radio player, and a lever labeled "pump control". Not really much of an office, but it's not my job to tell him how to organize this place. Now if you decide to go downstairs to the nurse office just know they don't actually have a med kit or anything, so any wounds you do have your just gonna have to lay on the stretcher and suck it up. They also have a plant in the room which is nice, and an eye seeing chart which might come in handy if you wanna know whether you might need glasses or not. They also have a valve in there for some reason, not sure what purpose it really serves down there. There's also a set of stairs that leads deeper down, but I don't really know what it's like down there because there's too much ink for me to actually go down and explore. If you go in the closet, There's not really much to look at in there, just an audio log I never bothered to listen to. The organ room has an organ player in it, and then there's just an extra room I never really bothered to explore. As for the music room? Try to picture a movie theater but the chairs are facing the wrong way and there's just a bunch instruments lying around. In all seriousness though it's just a orchestra but smaller with a big screen just plastered on the back wall and everything is a bright, unappealing shade of yellow.We casually stepped into the music room. "Wonder where Sammy is." Emalia thought out loud. 'Probably finding ways to make another one of those sacrificing circles.' I thought cooly. Emalia walked forward and grabbed a violin off of one of the chairs. "Hmm..."
"Hey striker? You mind turning on that projector up there for me?"
"Thanks, you're a real pal."
I left the room and turned towards the stairs. After climbing up the stairs I pushed a chair up to the projector, climbed onto the chair, and then turned it on. Down below I watched as Emalia ran around the room, strumming some of the instruments as she went. First violin, then guitar, Then the bigger looking violin, and finally back to the guitar again. As if magic, the garage door that was on the right of the room suddenly began opening, revealing a hidden passageway inside. Huh. What do you know? Guess there's still a lot to this studio I didn't quite know.On that note, I made my way back over to the music room and followed her through the passage way. "Sammy says it's his sanctuary." She told me as we walked in. Some sanctuary. I instinctively came to a stop as I suddenly heard the sound of a banjo being strummed.
"It's okay Striker; it's just Sammy." Emalia reassured me. Not that I was worried, I just didn't really want to go see him face to face. But ofcourse, we went forward anyways. And there, sitting in the back of the room playing on the banjo was Sammy Lawrence. As soon as he saw us he put down his banjo and stood up, adjusting his mask as he walked up to us. "Ah, you're here I see." He observed, looking down at the two of us.
Dreamer's Disease
Random(-W.I.P-) A story featuring a young girl, a betrayed prophet, and a small deformed toon that goes by the name of striker.