<11> Ok, Not so Emotionless

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Wally's POV

This was bad. This was really really bad.

Dick has emotions again. Which is actually good. I've been trying to get them back for years!

What's not good is how he got them back. Whenever someone would ask him why he didn't like emotions, pain was on the list. He made it clear that pain was an emotion, and so without them he couldn't feel pain.

But now he's only in pain. He's scared, and crying, and hurt, and probably super confused.

No, this was not good. Not good at all.

"Hey Dick, you gotta stay awake ok?" I whispered to my still shaking best friend. He had calmed down some, at least to where he wasn't sobbing anymore.

"Ok." He said breathlessly. There was a lot of blood. Most coming from his shoulder, the rest from his torso and thighs.

"You must be loving emotions, huh?" I joked. He chuckled. He actually chuckled! I lit up. He got his humor back, and I was the first to make him laugh!

"Is Bruce here yet?" He whimpered quietly again. And then the lighter tone was gone.

I sighed, "It's alright, he'll be here soon. But you gotta stay awake ok?" He nodded stiffly. Oh man what am I supposed to do? Rubbing his back isn't actually helping him.

"The team finally gets to hear your laugh." I smiled kind of sadly, remembering his odd laugh.

"Yeah. . ." Dick said tiredly. I gotta keep him awake, I gotta keep him awake.

"We can all watch movies, and go to the beach. Maybe even go to the carnival again!" I rambled, Dick gave a small smile.

"That'd be cool." His eyes were closing, I shook him slightly to keep him awake.

"Stay awake Dickie-Bird, Batman'll be here soon." I whispered, he hummed in acknowledgement.

As if on cue, the Batmobile came speeding down the road.

Batman jumped out after screeching to a stop. He ran towards me after seeing Dick on my lap. Squatting down to the ground to get a better look at him son.

"Hey Dickie." Bruce smiled, running a hand through Dick's hair. Dick hummed at the warmth of Bruce's hand.

"What happened?" The Bat asked, looking at me.

"Joker got Psimon to give Dick back his emotions. But Joker ended up torturing him, bad." Bruce nodded, understanding why Dick was so . . . messed up right now. 

"Think you can run him to the mountain? There's a Zeta-tube not far from here. Black Canary's already in the infirmary ready for whatever, I'll be back there soon." I nodded and lifted Dick up bridal style. He groaned at the movement which jostled his wounds. I mumbled an apology before speeding to the Zeta-tube and into the mountains med bay.

Normal POV - Mountain

"BLACK CANARY!" Wally yelled as he ran to the med-bay and stumbled in.

"Set him down." BC commanded quickly. Wally gently set his friend down on the medical table and backed away so Dinah could work.

But as soon as Robin's back hit the table, he screamed. He curled in on himself and started crying.

Black Canary attempted to calm him down so she could work. "Dick you've gotta calm down. It's alright, it's alright." She moved over to him to try and uncurl him. But as soon as she touched him he screamed and moved away, almost falling off the table.

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