Legendary Love

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I was brushing my tail, lost in thought. I've been working hard to prove myself worthy to fight for King Vegeta. Both my mother and my father lost their lives, fighting for our King. The maid that the King assigned to me got my attention.

"[F/N] dear, Paragus is outside waiting for you."

I nod in excitement and run out to see him, yet lets out a chuckle.

"Eager as ever, lets head out. I have a surprise for you."

For the past few months Paragus had been taking me to see the pods of the great and powerful young saiyans. Broly is my favorite to see, he is so strong, rivaling the Kings son even. He made a sudden turn, away from where we normally go.

"Sir? Aren't we supposed to go that way?"

He smirks, "We are going somewhere else today."


"That's the surprise."

He took off flying, so I did the same, following close behind. He made quick turns and I think that he was wanting to see how well I improved. We were now far away from my home when I noticed a house in the distance, it seemed out of place being in the middle of nowhere. He smiled and let out a chuckle once we touched the ground.

"I'm impressed, you fly so well, even at such a young age, lets head inside."

I nod, he opens the door so I walk in. My eyes widen as I see another young saiyan. I look to Paragus.


The boy looks up and I smile, "Broly?"

He looked tired and a bit scared. I look back to Paragus and he smiles, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Well Broly, you should introduce yourself."

The boy straightens his posture, "My name is Broly...n-nice To m-meet you."

I shake his hand, "My name is [F/N], I hope we can be friends."

I saw the smallest smile on his face, making me blush slightly. He is very handsome.

"Sir, when did Broly wake?"

"Last night, he destroyed his pod. I was shocked, he is a prodigy just like you. I knew that you would like to be one of the firsts to see him awake."

He looks to Broly, "[F/N] has admired you and seen your progress as I have. She would like to be your friend. What do you say Broly?"

"S-Sure, a f-friend sounds nice."

I smile, taking his hand. Taking him outside to play. I set up a line of very large rocks.

"This game is easy to explain, just shoot the rocks. The one who shoots the most wins."

He looked unsure and then I realized that he had only awoken overnight. I take his hand and he jumps slightly.

"I can teach you Broly, we can get stronger together."

I look to the rocks, "You channel a feeling of determination or anger into your belly, once you feel a warm feeling direct it to your finger, then let it go."

I fire a shot to the rock and it shattered. I looked to Broly and he looked serious. I watched as his look changed, it confused me. His eyes turned a golden yellow, a green aura surrounds him as the ground below him began to crack. I went to him to see if he was okay, walking closer. He suddenly release a black, destroying all the rocks and chunk of the landscape behind it. He looked angry so I run to him, holding his shoulders.

Legendary Love: Broly X Reader(Lemon) Where stories live. Discover now