Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I couldn’t stay any longer in the pack house I had to get away from Mary. I am not sure if I could control my urges around her. Damit I was behaving like a pup! Something was seriously wrong with me.

Maybe I just needed a run. With that in mind I went to the Forrest and changed into my huge golden wolf and just kept on running and running till the sun went down it must have been for hours.

After returning back I felt a bit better not much but just a bit. I was still panting after her and I could still remember her long legs when she was bent down trying to put something on. Shit! I was acting like a pervert! “What’s wrong with me? And why am I acting like this ?”

I knew that I needed some answers, but maybe all this that is happening had to do something with my past? Maybe since I was deprived of my right… Just maybe my wolf had found a loophole in the whole deal but wasn’t sharing with me? Maybe, who knows? But I knew I had to go and try to find my own answers.

I went to my father’s library, the library I had sworn ten years ago never to step into ever again, yet here I was trying to find some answers to my confusion for the more I thought about my feelings and the stirrings that were happening deep down in my cold heart the more I was sure there was more. There must be some logical reason other than the fact that I was attracted to Mary.

I opened the large doors that kept so many memories buried inside it. I went straight to the section which held the scrolls of our history and then there in the last shelf I found the deed which I had signed ten years ago when I was barely seventeen. The day when I had to sacrifice my life for my people…

The document was not only set in ink, blood, stars but in my and my supposed mate’s destiny. The words clearly stated that he Xyon without any pressure was giving up his right to have a mate and thus acquiring the ultimate power a werewolf can have to save his people. They had held the ceremony in which the priests had kept on chanting words endlessly, given him the sacred dagger to cut his palm and allow the drops of blood to seal the deal. But the deal could not be completed until his true mate’s blood was mixed with his.

Her permission was not needed for she would be given another mate thus she will never find out what had happened in the first place. I can still remember how my wolf had begged me not to go through it. First ordering me, then fighting me, and then begging with actual sobs. It broke me but I knew there was no other way I had to do it for my pack and my people. And anyways what is one life for the lives of so many others. It killed me but I thought maybe since I hadn’t seen her I won’t be affected that much.

(oh how wrong I was).

Only Jeffery was allowed to know who my true mate would be because he was the one who was assigned to bring some blood from her without her knowing… When he left I had hoped against hope that he might not find her but alas! After 2 whole days he came with a vile of her blood and the ceremony was completed, the ending of the ceremony had been with our blood being mixed and the deed being branded with both our bloods… The moment our blood touched each other the pain I felt could never be described and till this day I have never experienced such pain.

I was knocked out for several weeks and everyone thought I wasn’t going to make it, even the priests who had performed the severing of our bond believed that the shock of breaking our bond was so strong to my whole being that neither I nor my wolf wanted to even fight for survival we both had given up on our life for there was no reason to make us love life anymore, because what was worth living a life without the reason of love and our mate. We had failed her we had given up on her, our love and our bond, we didn’t even deserve the right to be alive anymore, but then miraculously I pulled through, how and why is still a mystery…

After I woke up the first person I wanted to meet was Jeffery and I knew he could never tell me who my mate was and I couldn’t put him in such a position, but all I wanted was just to see him because he had seen Her.

The moment he entered my room his eyes were teary.

“Son! How I wish I could help you and tell you” he said with his tears slipping down his cheeks. “Shh! No need we both know you won’t be able to answer and I won’t be able to ask, it’s not fair to both of us” I said in a broken voice.

Looking down at the deed in my hands right now just brought back all my memories crashing down on me. I have to get out of here this is driving me crazy. Strange I came here for answers yet I am leaving with so many more questions…

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