no more lies - young merlin

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summary: the reader finds out that merlin and morgana used to date (or court as they would call it back then) which breaks her heart and makes her overwhelmed. merlin tries to talk to her but she keeps avoiding him until he gets hurt during a mission and the reader regrets being rude to him.


merlin and i were hanging out in my home, we were talking about our sorcery and shape-shifting. it was getting pretty dark outside so he decided to return to the castle. the next morning, i thought maybe i'd be nice if i would visit him.

i was walking around the halls of the castle when i heard a voice. "does she know you used to court with morgana?" a voice asked. "no, and she doesn't need to know!" a really familiar voice said. it belonged to merlin. in that moment, i felt as if tears were threatening to come out of my eyes. my merlin? my sweet merlin dating one of the most evil sorceress of all time?

i walked inside the room, "are you serious? why would you hide that from me?" i asked with a really strong tone. "charlotte, hello darling!" merlin said nervously. the other person who seemed to be asking merlin that question was david, another sorcerer. "don't. tell me the truth right here right now." i said, the tears now spilling out of my eyes. david left to give us some space.

"before she was evil. we had a pretty good relationship but then she threw it all away. she knew exactly what she was doing when she joined the dark side." he said looking down. i shook my head, "i can't believe this. apart from the fact that you dated one of the most evil sorceress, you try and hide it from me?", i scoffed, "i can't believe this. it's- no, i can't do this. i'm sorry." i said while walking away. merlin tried chasing after me but failed, as i turned into my animal self, a cat.

when i arrived home, i let my tears just run out of my eyes. i couldn't believe he would try and hide something like that from me. a knock was on my door. "go away!" i yelled. "it's me it's cassie!" cassie was my best friend, also david's wife.

i decided to let her in, "what's wrong? what happened?" she asked as she sat down with me. "i found out merlin used to date morgana. and he thought he could hide that from me. which is wrong! why would he lie to me like that?" i cried into her shoulder. "shh.. it's alright kid." she softly said. "she's gone now. she's defeated." she said.

cassie and i spent a few hours together, there was another knock on the door. this time, cassie opened it. "is charlotte home?" merlin asked. i placed my hands on my ears, not wanting to listen to his soothing familiar voice. i grabbed a device that merlin brought me from earth that played music, slowly falling asleep.

the next morning i woke up, i placed the device on a table and stood up. i remembered today i had a meeting with the other sorcerers, meaning i would see merlin. i groaned, i made my way to the bathing room and washed my face.

i put on a long coat with some pants and a long sleeved shirt, i wore my ankle boots for this occasion and made my way to the castle. "charlotte!" merlin yelled, i walked a little more faster and so did he, being able to catch up to me.

"what do you want?" i asked him. "i wanted to apologize, i should have told you and not hid it from you." merlin said, his eyes clearly showing sadness. "you promised me. no more secrets, no more hiding stuff from each other." i said, my voice trying not to break. i walked away, leaving merlin behind me.

during the meeting, it was said that merlin and david would have to go on a mission. i could feel merlin's eyes on me, simply staring at me. when the meeting was over, i simply walked with cassie, worried a little for merlin, the mission sounded pretty dangerous.

night came quickly but it seemed as merlin didn't. cassie and i finished eating dinner when we heard yelling, i saw david and a body on a stretcher. it belonged to merlin. "oh my god." i said as we both ran towards the boys. "what happened to him?" i asked as i caressed merlin's face. "he got injured pretty badly. he might die." david said worriedly.

my mouth fell open. "die? no please, he can't!" i yelled. the guards pulled me away from merlin as i tried to fight but failed. few minutes later, i was allowed to see merlin who was still sleeping.

what if, the last time i talked to him, was just a fight over morgana? i cried as i held his hand. "i'm sorry. i'm sorry for being a fool. i should've tried and fix things. not be stupid." i slowly cried out. "it's alright." he said weakly. i looked up and smiled, "oh thank goodness! you're alive!" i hugged him. "did you really mean that?" he asked as he hugged me back. i nodded, "yes, i am so sorry." i said while wiping my tears away.

"is there still a chance we can figure this out?" i asked. "of course, anything for you my love." he said as we shared a long kiss. "for now just promise me, no more lies, and no more secrets." "i promise."

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