True macmanus

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I sat down Inbetween Connor and murphy as Sibeal told us what happened back in Boston. My eyes widened as he explained.

"A priest?" I asked.

"Did they release his name?" Murphy asked.

"No." Sibeal sighed, "But I made a few calls, still got some friends in the diocese there. McKinney. Father Douglas McKinney."

My heart skips a beat as I gasp. Murphy immediately put a comforting hand on my knee and Connor grasped my hand giving it a squeeze.

"You knew him?"sibeal asked.

"Knew of him. Everybody did. A regular Mother Theresa. Youth hostels, soup kitchens. Even made it into the newspapers sometimes." Connor said.

Suddenly my body started shaking in realization. This is why the dreams came back to me when they did. We had to return and we were going to return. We were being framed. The nerves quickly changed to Rage and adrenaline. Murphy squeezed my knee and Connor squeezed my hand at the same time. I made eye contact with the boys who were looking seriously into my eyes. I nodded at each letting them know I'm in on this. They each nodded back as sibeal saw what was going on,

"Listen boys. I think it's best that ya just stay put and we'll try ta figure out what..."

Connor and murphy didn't even let him finish as they got up and exited the cottage. Sibeal watched them leave with panic in his eyes. I just continued starring straight ahead seriously making eye contact with no one as Noah continued drinking his coffee. Sibeal turned to us fearfully,

"Well, are ya at least gonna try ta talk them out of this?"

I say nothing and continue to stare infront of me. He turned to Noah who just shakes his head no.

"Mrs. Macmanus please try to talk some sense inta ya husband! Please!" Sibeal begged, but once again I didn't respond.

"We don't even know what this is yet! Somebody could just be tryin' ta get away with murder here!" He cried fearfully.

"Aye. Only there's about a thousand easier ways ta do that. Trust me.Someone's callin' them out, Sibeal. Ya kill a priest in a church and make it look like it was them. Bring 'em back with a vengeance. Only one problem with his little plan." Noah said

"What's dat?" Sibeal asked breathless.

"It worked." I finally spoke up looking seriously into a fearful sibeals eyes.

About an hour later the boys walked back in. My eyes widened. They had shaven off those terrible beards which made them look like my murphy and my Connor. It brought a small smile to my face as they starred at sibeal with determination. Sibeal looked at the boys panicky,

"Exactly what do you intend to do?"

Neither of them say a word as Connor pulls something out of his pocket. He throws two pennies on the table bringing a smirk to my face. Sibeal looked fearful at the two coins and back at the boys. Murphy glared at sibeal and my heart sped up as he said,

"Every last motherfucker that had anything to do with it."

Sibeal left shortly after seeing there was no way to change our minds. We were going back. We decided to sneak back on a work ship. Before boarding murphy turned to me,

"There's no way I can convince ya ta stay ere can I?"

"Nope" I smirked.

"Didn't tink so" he smirked and pulled a gun out from his jacket placing it in my hands.

I smiled and kissed him. He smirked pulling away and said,"don't make me regret dis liv"

"Never" I smiled.

We rounded the corner and boarded the boat with Connor,

"See ya couldn't get er ta stay"

"Nah stubborn as hell she is" murphy said causing me to smirk.

"Just like er husband" Connor laughed.

"And my brother in law" I smiled.

Connor chuckled and said,"spoken like a true macmanus"

"Dat she is" murphy smirked.

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