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The next day we had finally reached US soil. The familiar cool breeze bLew through my hair. It felt good to let my hair hang free again. This was the first day since Ireland I was looking like a girl again. I had dressed myself in a black sweater with jean shorts. It was warm in Boston, but not too warm. Romeo and I were waiting on the boys to finish getting ready so we could get off the ship. I felt his eyes on my every move which made things both awkward and uncomfortable. I shifted uneasy as I finished tying my shoes and as I was about to say something Connor and murphy entered. Murphy walked up to me and kissed me, entangling our hands.

"Ya ready?"Connor asked.

Romeo was still lookin at me and murphy glared,"the hell ya lookin at my wife like dat?"

Romeo shook his head like he had just come out of a daze,"I'm sorry man. Just bein on that boat, it's been a while since I've seen a woman"

I shifted uncomfortably as murphy squeezed my hand,"well ya better look somewhere else before ya get yerself in trouble"

"Aye dis can end as fast as it started" Connor agreed.

Romeo sighed,"I know I know I'm sorry"

His eyes met mine and I nodded as we started off the boat. We made our ways down back alleyways as Romeo turned to us,

"It's been all over the papers the last two years. Yakavetta's in bed with the Chinese. They're using international shipping routes to smuggle it in. This is Little Yaka's shit."

We all 3 smile and murph squeezes my hand again.

" Let's follow 'em down the rabbit hole, Alice." Connor smirked.

Romeo rolled his eyes and I chuckled at his attempt of a joke. I then turned to Romeo and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder,

"You just scored a few points, Rome."

"Well, dust off my "Members Only" jacket." He replied cockily and then reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys, "Cuz the kid has also supplied the ride!"

Romeo disappeared down another alleyway as me and the boys started getting our bags ready. We hear a motor and turned. Yea Romeo had a ride, but it wasn't what any of us were thinking. I had to bring my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. It was basically a pimped out punch buggy. I could tell murphy was pissed, but didn't say anything as he got in the front seat. I got in the back with Connor. The inside was just as decorative as the outside. After a few moments of awkward silence, murphy broke it,

"thought you said your car was inconspicuous."

"I don't like words that got 'spic' right in the middle. Besides, it is...where I live." Romeo spat.

I rolled my eyes as their banter continued,

" Where's that? Margaritaville?" Murphy rolled his eyes.

"Hey! I hail from a colorful people. Besides, you wouldn't know style if it pitched a tent in your ass!" Romeo yelled and then looked into the rear view mirror at us,"What do you think of the ride, Conman?"

Connor arched an eyebrow and I chuckled at the nickname as Connor said,

"The only way I could be more embarrassed right now is if I was ridin' a moped."

"Yeah...while fuckin' a fat girl." Murphy added.

"Yeah...rollin' through the gym at my high school reunion." Connor added.

I started chuckling and playfully punched Connors arm as he smirked at me. Romeo rolled his eyes and groaned,

"Alright alright! I get it!"

We soon arrived at this old warehouse as we hid behind a crate towards the front. There were men on forklifts driving around. We searched the are with our eyes as Connor turned to us,

"Alright here's the plan"

He started explaining this plan of his. I smirked as he always got so excited when he explained his plans even though sometimes they were impossible. Once he was done explaining he punched Romeo excited on the shoulder,

"We skin out, go ta Doc's for a shot of Irish. We're home in time for tacos."

I felt murphy stiffen and all eyes went on him.

"What?" Connor asked.

"Well, it' know, it's..." He said hesitantly but was cut off by Rome,

"It's genius. I can even drive an F- lift, man. Got my class "D" license and everything."

Something about the way he said that made me feel uncomfortable.

"Now, dat's the spirit." Connor exclaimed.

Connor than looked at me excitedly. I wish I could've smiled back but I couldn't.i didn't feel safe with this plan. I was on Murphy's side with this. Murphy handed me my gun and made sure it was strapped in right to my thigh.

"I need a gun." Romeo then said.

All 3 of us widened our eyes and looked at him saying, "Forget it."

He widened his eyes and looked pissed, "the fuck not! She's got one!"

"Aye she does, she's family and she been in on dis for a while" Connor said.

"She's a good shot and what my wife does doesn't concern ya" murphy growled.

"What the fuck? I'm in on this shit, man! I'm working here!" Romeo yelled looking hurt and pissed.

The boys look at each other as murphy shrugs.

"He's right" I said.

All 3 of their heads turn to me quickly as I shrug," hes right. he's in on this too. He needs a gun"

Romeo smiles at me and I nod. Connor and murph look at me for another moment probably wondering what the fuck I was thinking. Finally Connor growls and starts pulling his socks up and placing a gun in his hands,

"You can consider yourself a fuckin' pledge until we say different."

Romeos nodding accomplished until he looks down and sees what lay in his hands. It was Connors tiny .22 caliber pistol. It was a total girly gun. I mean I didn't even have one of those! Murphy and I snickered at his reaction.

"Can I consider myself your girlfriend, too? He asked.

"That's what you get. Is there a problem?" Connor growled and looked over the crate to scope out the warehouse

"It's fine." He says mad.

"If it helps I know how it is, murph didn't let me by a gun until a month before he asked me to marry him" I tried to reassure him as I peered over the crate next to Connor.

I bumped his arm and smirked, "Connors got a girlfriend"

He immediately responded,"shut it liv"

I smirked and he glared at me playfully until murphy pulled us both down,

"What do we think?"

Connor looked at me and then back to his brother, "I think Yakavetta murdered a good man just to send us a message."

Murphy's eyes turned to meet mine. I suddenly felt is rage in my stomach. He killed a damn innocent man just to get our attention. What kind of person does that? He just just like his terrible father. I nodded at murphy and reached to squeeze my hand. I could tell he knew exactly what I was thinking as I turned back to his brother and gestured with his gun,

" Well...let's send him one back."

My blue eyed saint (sequel to Murphy's angel)Where stories live. Discover now