Part One

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Carson Wyatt's eyes rolled to the ceiling as his younger brother began his weekly tirade.

"I'm sick of this place, Pa. I'm ready to get out of this dust pit and see the world," Flynn stated, slamming a scrawny fist into the tabletop.

Carson shoved a forkful of peas into his mouth and rested his elbows on the table. Flynn Wyatt had big dreams to see far away places but refused to work and earn the money to do so. He refused to ride herd, repair the outbuildings, help with branding, or anything else required on the Wyatt Ranch. He wasted his days reading newspapers from New York or Buffalo instead of doing his share of the work. Carson didn't mind the extra workload until Flynn started complaining about his lack of finances.

Reuben Wyatt sat at the head of the table with his sons on either side of him. "If you want to leave," he said, "you're gonna have to do your share of the work and earn the money."

Flynn sat back in is chair and pouted. "That's gonna take so long."

"If you worked like Carson, you would already have the money to go explore the country. But instead you choose to sit here in the house and waste your time pouring over those newspapers."

Carson pressed his lips into a thin line and avoided his brother's icy gaze.

"Carson is perfectly content to be the perfect son and take over this hell hole one day, but I ain't." The heat coming off Flynn's words made the hair on the back of Carson's neck stand up.

"Watch your mouth, Flynn," Pa reprimanded. "Carson is a good, responsible man who knows how to provide for a family. I pity the girl who gets saddled with you."

Carson snuck a glance at Flynn, who directed a patronizing smile toward him and crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't aim to be saddled. Not ever. Carson's more than welcome to have himself a lifelong warden if he wants to. Elizabeth will keep him on a short lead, you can bet on it."

Flynn's words were intended to inflict hurt, but Carson couldn't resist a smile. Elizabeth Murphy was the best, most beautiful woman in Wyoming, and he couldn't wait until he had his own place so he could marry her and start a family. He had his eye on the Old Homestead, out on the western outskirts of his father's land. He had been saving for years to buy the place from his father, and in another six months, he should have enough to make a good offer on it. By this time next year, he would be a married man... maybe even have a little one on the way.

"Why don't you go ahead and give me my share of the ranch?" Flynn's words brought Carson out of his musings.

Pa directed a confused expression to his youngest son. "What are you asking?"

"Give me my share and I'll have enough to start a decent life."

Carson glared at his younger brother. "Flynn, hush."

Flynn didn't spare him so much as a glance as he continued to intreat their father. "If I get my share, I can sell it to old Lou and get a hefty sum. It'll be more than enough to carry me out east."

Carson tightened his hand into a fist under the table. "Flynn, we've been feuding with Lou Simms for a decade over those water rights. If you sell out to him, we'll have to move the whole herd fifty miles west and pay through the teeth to have a share of Hanson's water supply."

Flynn shrugged. "Pop's got plenty of money. It'll just go to waste sitting here."

Carson snapped his head in the direction of their father, gauging his reaction. The man's face was emotionless. Surely he wasn't considering this? It would ruin them.

"Well? What do ya say?" Flynn pressed.

Pa's eyes met Carson's, and the sorrow that bubbled in their depths caused a knot of dread to form in the oldest son's stomach. "It's his share, Carson. To do with as he pleases."

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