Chapter Twelve

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 The water was calm and cold, Bill just floated there, it was so peaceful down there.


"Yyy..yea! I'm fff...fine!"

"I'm Coming Bill, Move!" Mike said as he heaved himself off the cliff

"Will, ya coming?" Bill shouted up and him

"Yeah, one sec" will said taking off his shirt and walking over to the edge, he jumped, soaring through the air, why did I do this? He thought over and over until the cold water hit if feet.

"bILL!" Bill rushed over to Will and held him in his arms, this made mike strangely gelous, did he really like one of them?

"It's ok will, iii...I got you." Bill said looking down at will lovingly, Bill gently kissed Will's forehead "'re ok, I you."

"Bbb...Bill?" Will said shivering

"Thanks." Will said

"It's nn..noth..." Bill started but Will splashed him with a cold stream of water "Oh, it's on Willy boy" Bill said swimming back and preparing to splash will back, but another cold splash of water hit him from behind "Ok, not cool ggg...guys, teaming up on now?"

Bill quickly swam away, retreating from the two attackers. By the end of their battle, Bill was drenched, well they all were. They walked back to the car in silence, it was getting late and colder now, Mike couldn't help noticing Bill holding Will's hand as will leaned his head on Bill's shoulder. Mike still couldn't figure out why he was bothered by this, I mean he didn't like Bill and he certainly didn't like Will, did he?

"Hey guys, Max texted me, she wants us to hang out for dinner." Will said checking his phone "She said 'meet at Benny's at 6.' It's 5:40 now, we can make it there in say 10 minutes."

"Sure, let's go." said mike staring at his watch "damn, I probably should have taken this off."

That got a laugh out of the small group.

"Yah, let's go." said bill, opening the door of the back seat for will to get in.

"Look who finally showed up!" max said looking upset.

"Max, we're 5 minutes early, chill out." Mike said looking at her with mocked pitty

"You are?" she asked confused.

"Yep." Mike said walking past her and sliding into the booth they were at, it was a tight squeeze since there were so many of them, luckily benny's burger's booths were large and could hold all of them. Bill sat next to will, he grabbed Will's hand and kissed him, pulled back and whispered something in his ear, something only the two of them would know.

"That's new." commented Richie

"What Rich? You upset that I started dating someone without breaking up with you first?" Will said angrily, this jab made Richie's face flush

"What was that Rich?" Eddie asked concerned

"It's nothing" Richie said still embarrassed

"Ya, nothing." Will said coldly.

But all Richie did was hold Eddie tighter, out spite, not love, never love with him.

"Anyway..." Max said breaking the awkward silence "lucas just won the wrestling championship!" Max and Lucas had been dating forever now, they were truly happy with each other, they were meant to be.

"That's great!" Dustin said, his mouth full of fries, at this Stan couldn't help but smile, but he couldn't figure out why.

"Yea, thanks Dusty."

"Dude, only my mom called me that." dustin said to lucas

"Ya wanna hear what your mother calls me Lucas?" Mike said teasingly

"Dude, it's getting old." Said Lucas annoyed

"Ya, Rich... it really it." Said Mike coldly

"Gees, sorry. I didn't know that it meant that much." said Richie annoyed

"It doesn't. Just stop." lucas said plainly

"Chill out guys, be cool." Max said standing up, lucas grabbed her hand and pulled her back down to her seat after that all the arguing ceased and the friends had a nice meal together. After they finished they split the check 10 ways and walked out front. Richie leaned over and kissed eddie's forehead and whispered something in his ear, something only meant for eddie in the way Mike used to do.

"Now that I think about it, is anyone here other than lucas and I not gay?" Max said, everyone looked at each other questioningly and after a minute El raised her hand

"I'm straight." El said raising her hand but Beverly grabbed El's hand and pulled it back down, holding it there, they both smiled and blushed.

"OK then!" Max said fast. El walked home, talking with bev, she looked happy, they both did. Bill and Will were talking and smiling, Bill pulled will close, momentarily stopping them and kissed him. Bill said something to will maybe 'I love you' but whatever it was it made will smile and kiss him once more. Richie and Eddie were walking in silence, they were still figuring it all out, their relationship had gotten off to a rocky start. Dustin and Stan were talking and smiling (and blushing) they clearly liked each other and it wannest going to be long before they started going out. Max and Lucas Drove away in Lucas's car, leaving Mike all alone at Benny's, Mike sat down and started to cry.

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