June 7, 2036

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"Alright fuckers, listen up," Sungwoon says, getting everyone's attention.

"If we're all gonna keep getting killed every week, we should do something about it."

"Like what, make you a sacrifice?" Daehwi says, and Jaehwan laughs.

"No, well, yeah no. We should split up."

"What? We don't want to leave." Guanlin says.

"Well would you rather die then?" Sungwoon asks.

"We're gonna die either way, so there's no point anyways," Seongwoo sighs, closing his eyes tightly.

"Look mister sassy pants, I know you're sad because your boyfriend got killed in front of you, but cooperate or else you'll be meeting him in hell."

"I'd like that anyways, better than living here," Seongwoo rolls his eyes.

"Okay. I'm not going out there, I'll die," Jaehwan says, and Jisung agrees.

"Look, we're all fucking scared, I know. But we have to leave or else we'll all end up dead, alright?" Sungwoon says, and everyone eventually agrees.

"Well, who's splitting up with who?" Jisung asks the younger.

"We should make each pair or group so they'll be able to realistically survive," Sungwoon says.

"What do you mean?" Jinyoung asks.

"Realistically, Jaehwan and Jisung would physically not survive alone together, no offence but you're both pussies."

"Oh okay," Guanlin says.

"There's seven of us. Jisung with Seongwoo, because Seongwoo would be good with him. I'll go with guanlin, jinyoung with daehwi, and Jaehwan, you're a team, understand?" Sungwoon says, and they all nod.

"Why do I have to be with both of them, we're gonna die!" Jinyoung says, and Daehwi pouts.

"No excuses, we leave at night. It'll be harder for them to spot us at night," Sungwoon says.

"So what are we doing?"

"Phones. Make sure to bring portable chargers everywhere so we'll always be in contact. We should discuss a place to meet every now and then to see if we're all alive. Always be with your partner or group members. For houses, break a small window and then cover it with cardboard. If you suspect that they've seen you, go to a different house. If you need food or anything, travel for it at night only, and whatever happens, just know that it'll all be over soon."

"But what if it never ends?" Daehwi asks.

"Then hell, here we come."

3:41 a.m / Wanna One Where stories live. Discover now