Trying to Trust Felix

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After Pan almost killing Felix, I decided we need to hear Felix out and see if he's worth trusting.

"I'm the one you should be trusting," Felix says.

"But why should we," Rumple asks.

"Because Jake is the snitch," Felix shouts in anger.

"Snitch," I ask.

"Snitch is the one person that goes undetected on this island. A snitch is someone who tells anything they see or here," Pan explains.

"I don't necessarily think he is doing it on purpose," Rumple says.

"What do you mean?"

"Well when I met his parents they asked me to make it where he could control it. Doing that actually worked," Rumple explains to us.

"So Selina made him talk," I point out.

We all shake our heads in agreement.

"Well I'm guessing we can rest until we have a plan," Pan asks.

I nod my head.

"Does that mean you will trust me," Felix asks.

I nod my head. Pan nods his head. Lastly Rumple nods his head.

He smiles.

"I'm going to go get some leaves to lay on."

I walk into the forest. Not too far from camp. Not anywhere where I can't see Pan's brown hair.

A leaf lies on the ground with a brown color and hint of green. The trees still brown and full of life stands there taller than me.

As I reach for my third leaf, I hear feet stomp to the ground. There is only one person who that could be. Selina.

She sees me freeze up. "I'm not here to get you."

"How can I know for sure?"

"Because I don't need you."

Huh. What?

"Then why are you here?"

"Just to tell you something."

I feel her smirk behind my back.


"You should keep a watch on Pan. He could be deadly for you."

"Meaning what?"

"Let's just say he could be using you for his stupid little game."

"Like you didn't use Felix for yours?"

My spine tingles as she mocks me with a chuckle.

"Felix was merely just an obstacle to get to you."

"But why would you be telling me this?"

"The one who saved your life, the blue fairy, saved me. I think this should be me thanking her."

"She saved you. But your a vile-"

"Ice person. Creature, even. Blue was stupid. She cared for anything."

"Pan would never hurt me!"

"Didn't you think that once before?"

I nodded.

"You make a good point, Selina."

"Just remember who you need to trust."

"You should back out of my buisness-"

I turn around and not find her there.

I start thinking to myself. What if she is right? Is this another episode of last time?

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