Who saves you?

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'Have you seen the suspect by the window to the north?' Mycroft whispered to Agent Clio, 'I have, sir. He's been eyeing doctor Watson all night.' Mycroft nodded and grinned, so it looked like he had just told the agent a joke.

The top floor was crowded by people in fancy suits, elegant dresses and uniforms from the staff, the reception was intended for networking between CEO's and authorities, except there was another layer to the event. Four Russian spies had find their way in with the intention to kidnap John Watson, which was something the Holmes brothers and Agent Clio knew about, but Watson didn't, for he was being used as bait once again. Agent Clio believed that the Russians wanted to kidnap Watson, to use him as a pressure point for Sherlock Holmes, when she told Mycroft of her concerns he had believed her and set up the plan.

For now all they had to do was keeping an eye on Watson and preventing the Russians to kidnap him. Sherlock gracefully walked to agent Clio, 'There is one more suspect in the kitchen, one in the hallway and one on the balcony,' he told her. 'All right, I will take Watson outside, follow after that the suspects have followed me. I don't think they know who I am and won't be expecting I have guns, we should take advantage of that.' Sherlock nodded, feeling comfortable around the confidence of the agent.

He and Agent Clio had sort of a history, she was the one who had followed on him mission while he was supposed to be dead, she was the one behind the security of John Watson, his parents and mrs Hudson while he couldn't protect them. The agent had earned his respect and his friendship in the following years. Agent Clio swiftly turned around and walked to John, who was drinking a glass of champagne and talking to an old general.

'Hello John, I'm sorry if I am interrupting you but I need to talk to you for a second.' She kindly smiled at John and the man, John didn't seem bothered at all and after saying his goodbye to the man he had turned to her. 'Now, what did you want to talk about Clio?' he smiled and sipped his drink. 'Well, Sherlock really wants to leave and asked me to fetch you, so we could already go outside and get a cab.' 'He's such a child, we've only been here for an hour, can't he catch a cab himself?' John sighed, clearly disappointed. 'John dear, he was very insisting, I think it has something to do with a new case, I've understood that Mycroft will be joining us at 221B Baker street.' John shook his head, 'All right then, let's get going.' He started to make his way to the elevators, Agent Clio close behind, she had made eye contact with Mycroft and Sherlock and knew they had seen her. Although she knew that she didn't need to look at Sherlock, because his eyes where always searching for her, following her around every move she made. She didn't actually mind, Sherlock had become a friend and a person she trusted even more than Mycroft, her boss. She entered the elevator with John and saw one of the suspects entering the other elevator next to them. Everything was going well so far.

John cleared his throat when the elevator began to descend, 'So have you thought about what I said yesterday?' he asked her, 'I did, John,' 'And, what's your final conclusion?' 'I still think I need permission of Sherlock to come and live with you at Baker Street, he's sensitive on those kinds of change...' John nodded 'You are right, but I don't think he'll have a problem with it, he speaks very fondly of you, 'Clio told me that, Clio did this, Clio went to there...' If I didn't know him any better I would think he had the hots for you!' John chuckled. Agent Clio smiled to herself, she had grown some feelings for the consultant detective too, although she would never admit that.

The elevator came to a stop and opened its doors, letting the both of them walk out. Agent Clio put on her jacket and subtly checked if her gun was still in its place, ready to be used. John started walking to the curb and looked for a cabbie, not noticing that there had barely been anyone on the street. A door opened to the side of the building, indicating that Mycroft and Sherlock too had arrived, soon after the second elevator opened its doors, revealing four men wearing guns.

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