Namjoon's little space play date

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Namjoon woke up feeling about 3 (in headspace) this morning. He got up, grabbed his stuffie RM, and went to find Jin. He checked the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom, and the play room but he couldn't find him. He started to break down into tears. He's never been left alone without Jin. He grabbed his paci from the ground and popped it into his mouth. He sat down on the couch and started sniffling. He remembered he saw a note on the fridge. The note said "dear, Namjoon, I ran to the store to get you more Sippy cups and Paci's. If you wake up and I'm not here that's why. I love you princess." Namjoon was relived that Jin hadn't left him. He then heard his phone go off from upstairs. He ran up the stairs and grabbed it thinking it was Jin. He was disappointed when he read that it was yoongi. The text read,

Yoooooongi👀: hey Namjoon are you in little space? Hoseok was asking if you wanted to hav a play date and I didn't know if Jin was home or not

                        Namjoonie🐢: he went to the store to buy me some little space stuff. He should be back soon though.

Yooooooongi👀: okay text me when he gets home okay?

                                     Namjoonie🐢: I will don't worry

Namjoon got up and started getting dressed. He grabbed some a pastel blue shirt with cactuses on it, some denim shorts/overalls, and a pair of baby blue thigh highs. He got dressed and packed his bag. He had a paci, coloring books, a blanket, some sippy cups, and snacks. He ran into Jin's room, Jumped on him, and said "daddy Joonie wan habe a pway dwate wif Seokie. Can I pwease?" Jin thought for a minute and nodded. He got up, got dressed, and started to head towards the Yoonseok household


Namjoon knocked on the door and saw that Hoseok had opened it. Namjoon said "Seokie!!! We're gonna have a pway date!" Hoseok's eyes lit up and he dragged namjoon to his play room. After about an hour of playing the sound of a slap could be heard throughout the house. Namjoon comes running out of hoseok's play room sobbing because hoseok had slapped him. Jin looked at namjoon and said "princess what happened?" Namjoon looked at jin and said "I was colowing when Seokie had asked fow da rwed cwayon But Joonie was using it and den Seokie swapped me" namjoon said still crying. Jin thought it was best to leave since he knew Hoseok was gonna get in trouble. They said goodbye to yoongi and they went home.


After they had gotten home Namjoon had changed into a Ryan onesie with a baby blue pacifier in his mouth. He sat down beside Jin and cuddled into his chest. Namjoon rubbed his eyes cutely which signaled that he was tired so Jin gently stroked his hair which made namjoon fall asleep. Jin gently pressed a kiss to Namjoon's lips and fell asleep himself. He loved Namjoon to the moon and back. And nothing could change that.

"Big or little you're still the most precious thing to me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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