An air horn sounds loudly. The black screen cuts to an offramp being lowered on the ship bearing Blake Belladonna and JP to allow passengers to disembark. The town has many small buildings and homes set among dunes and palm trees. The town bell that has been ringing is shown in its belfry.
JP and Blake make their way from the deck to the offramp. She proceeds without pause while JP stops to look at the town.
JP: Huh.
Several Faunus in summer wear meander casually at the dock, some waiting for friends or family among the new arrivals. The dock is also a commercial area, with mobile kiosks selling food and other wares. It is a relaxed atmosphere on a sunny day.
JP is looking around while he and Blake disembark and walk through the market area together.
JP: Been a while since I've been here.
Blake: Yes it has.
JP: No one recognizes me without my mask.
Blake: Do you still have it?
JP: (dodging a Faunus carrying a box) No. I got rid of it.
Blake: You should've kept it. I liked the look.
JP: What! Why didn't you tell me?
Blake: I thought you still had it.
JP: Well I did.
Blake: I really liked the look.
JP: You should've told me sooner.
Blake: Maybe next time.
The two pause in their walk to look at the view of the town the road affords. The road they are on goes downhill and to the side, bordered by palm trees and homes that have either canvas or wood roofs. The vista of palm trees spreads out to the edge of mountainous dunes in the distance. Right in the middle of all this is a large house with an open courtyard that the road appears to lead directly to. The house is at least three stories and is the only building in the whole area with a sophisticated roof.
JP: Whoa...
Blake: This, is Kuo Kuana.
JP: It's... beautiful. Why did I ever leave?
Blake: You know why.
JP: (putting his hand on her shoulder) Well, hey, this guy's feeling pretty at home.
Blake: Alright, time to go home.
JP: Oh yeah? (moving his hand to her other shoulder and pulling her in) Which one's yours? Can you see it from here? I don't remember where it is.
JP uses his free hand like a visor to help him peer at the houses.
Blake: Kind of.
JP: Is it that one? (pointing away from Blake) What about that tiny one down there? (pointing across Blake) I like the paintjob.
Blake: (taking JP's intruding arm by the wrist and directing it toward the large house) It's... that one.
JP stares for a second before pointing his finger at her with a questioning expression. Blake nods. Sun looks at her for a beat before taking his arm off her and stepping back. He covers the sides of his head and crouches a bit, staring wide-eyed at the house and making a comical, amazed noise.
Blake and JP walk up the stone steps to the front door of the house. Blake hesitates when she moves to use the knocker.
JP: What is it?
Blake: I um... it's just been a long time since I've seen my parents.
JP: Well, you came all this way. Remember. I'm right here.