Chapter 4 ☹Changed☹

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Pretty much for a year after that horrifying event, I was depressed I really like Luke and thought he was really nice. But I was wrong, like really wrong. He was the kindest person you could ever meet and still was, and I was pretty sure he still liked me. From the staringChanged at me during lunch and the biology class we had together, offering to buy me lunch or just how close he and he still wanted to be. My mom thought of him as a rapist, but honestly I still loved him. I know you may think I am crazy for still wanting to date him after you know he... Raped me.

But my dad could have cared less. He moved away a month after the incident.

He said I was my moms problem because he couldn't deal with taking me to the hospital every time I tried to kill myself or afford a therapist. That made me feel even better! "sarcasm". after dropping from about 120Lb to just below 80Lb, my mom checked me into a hospital and left me there until until she felt like picking me up.

She finally sent me back to school where I met Taylor and Becca, the only friends I'd had since my brother passed away.

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