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Jungkook POV

I wanted to spoil Taehyung today, only because I knew that today would be eventful. A CPS worker would be coming to the school, to mostly have a conversation with him. Although I know quite a lot about him, I'm not sure how he'll act.

So I made him huge breakfast, eggs, bacon, toast with strawberry cream cheese and even sausage. I worked hard throughout the morning. And I even waited on extra 30 minutes before waking him up. When he did finally wake, I was somewhat happy even when I should of been full of anger.

His hair was stuck to his face, where his drool had touched. His hair slightly covering dark red and purple bruises that littered his face, mostly next to his right eye and on his cheek bone. The bruises that show help me with my case, giving evidence to prove he's being abused. That's why I am happy. I removed the blankets from the bed, when he wouldn't get up.

"I'm cold~" He said staring at me, trying to pull the blankets away from me. He changed his position on the bed and leaned on his knees and began complaining. "Can't we just not go today? I'm hurt~" He gave me puppy eyes and a small pout.



"C'mon I made breakfast" His eyes lit up in excitement. He got off the bed and took a sheet with him, one he had managed to steal from me. Then he ran out of the room and down the hall and before I could even leave the room he screamed "Wow!" and made many weird noises.  That definitely made my heart feel better especially when I know he might suffer more today because of me.

When I reach the kitchen, Taehyung's plate was already half clean and he was just stuffing his face. I laughed when I saw the cream cheese on his cheek, so I walked over and wiped it off using my finger, eating what I had collected. Making Taehyung blush. It was a cute scene, thankfully I had seen it once in a movie or I would've never thought of it.

"I'll go get your clothes." I said smiling.


The drive felt short. We listened to music, but of course the songs were ones that fit his preference. And surprisingly he talked quite a lot mostly about random things and once in awhile I commented so he wouldn't feel like he's been talking too much.  Although to most it would be considered that way, but I just really like his voice and definitely prefer hearing his voice than my own.

When we arrived at school it was a little later than I had hoped  Students waited in the courtyard and most teachers were already in school getting ready for their first class. So I dropped Taehyung off by the front and went around the back to park. It probably isn't good for a student and teacher to arrive together, so every time I drove him to school we did this. It kind of became a routine.

My first class was quite quick my students were obviously tired and most slept. But I still taught, so they can't blame me for bombing their tests. My second class is rowdy as usual and they always kind of agitate me. It is a class of hormonal jocks and females who wanted to get into their pants, but I made it through that class knowing my next one had Taehyung.

I wasn't sure when CPS would arrive nor do I know if I'll be allowed to be in the same room when they questioned him. It's not everyday I call them or the police or even ask for help in general.

So when he was the first one to arrive with a smile, I knew he hasn't talked yet. And in all honesty I'd rather just kidnap him but in this day and age it's quite hard to do anything without getting caught.


Taehyung POV

I smiled brightly when I saw Jungkook, his face is also showed a smile when we made eye contact. I sat down at my desk and waited for class to begin. And to be honest I think this is the first time I paid any attention in class, well if staring at the teacher's body counts.

Either way it wasn't like I had to study, my test was supposed to be earlier but it was rescheduled only because I begged Jungkook. Eventually getting him to say okay with a cute kiss on the cheek and now ever since he expects more from me, kiss and cuddle wise. But obviously I don't mind.

"Alright the test is in two days, I an aware and  know it was due Friday but I decided to postpone it" He made direct eyecontact with me. "Hopefully you'll use this extra amount of time to study" The bell rung "You are dismissed" Students stood up and left. I waited to a bit longer so that I could talk to him but he left the room before I could.

After feeling kind of sad (dying on the inside) I went out and walked my Chinese class. I would have had Spanish but the class rotated every other day, it was confusing in the beginning but it made sense eventually.

Surprisingly I actually like my Chinese teacher he's nice and treats me like I'm a king, it might be just an Asian to Asian thing but I definitely think it's great. It's one of my highest graded class and it's mostly because he doesn't give homework and he's quite chill about life.

After that class was lunch, but before I could even make it to lunch my name was called on the speaker and directions told me to go to guidance.

Walking in I was nervous knowing what guidance is fear me. Was I in trouble? Or did someone find out about my relationship? Neither infact. Instead I was brought into a private room where a random lady introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Shannon. And I work for CPS"  she smiled brightly and my leg started doing that nervous shaking thing as I sat. I'm scared.

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