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(This chapter is really really long)

Taehyung POV

So today my first day of school, normally you'd assume Im depressed as heck, but actually I've gotten some good news. Jungkook contacted my 'new parents' and well he said that he was working hard to be able to provide a loving home for me and for them to take good care of me. It reallg gave me hope knwoing he's still trying, even if its only been a day. I still cant help but wonder whats going on...

Anyway apparently my new school is even better than my last one. You see I was a scholarship kind of student, its a wonder why they didnt kick me out for my grades. Well at least you didnt have to wear uniforms or have the exact same bookbag as everyone else.

Whats even worse is that the Students are separated by grades. Like A class had students with obviously A's in most subjects. They also even get better treatment. But it doesnt really matter, I wont be in this school for long. Because I'll move in with Jungkook and beg him to homeschool me. He'll have to say yes with my puppy eyes, he always does. Either way I'm stuck in this situation till then.

"Taehyung?" Someone knocked on the door, it sounded like my new 'mom'.

"Yea?" I said struggling to button my shirt and do my tie at the same time.

"The girls are waiting in the car, be quick" Then she walked away. Apparently I was the only boy besides her son, so I guess she is kinda obsessed with me? Like she monitors me all the time, to the point where I feel like a criminal..

I grabbed my bag and went down the stairs, put my shoes on and my coat. Then walked down the walkway and got into the back of the car.

"So Sami, Sarah? I hope that you'll help him out on the first day. Like show him the routes" The father said. The girls shrugged and the youngest just looked out the window. Unlike the older ones she seemed to prefer pants over a skirt, a preference? Anyway she was in middleschool (secondary) but the buildings were connected. So I'd probably see her in the halls once in a while. And the others didnt seem very fond of me, yeah they were nice but just kept their distance...

The ride was short and we were dropped off in the front, just like other students. At first everything was okay, a new school meant new opportunities well in most cases. But the only problem was.. I couldn't find anything. Not the office or anything, the girls deserted me. Sami and Sarah off to their friends and Dakota just wandered off.

So I just waited, with all the other students. And when a bell rung the doors opened and students literally went inside in organized lines. Unlike my old school were people stayed as long as they could outside and tumbled inside when it was time to go in.

At the sight of the first Adult, I immediately ran over to her. She had long blonde hair and green eyes that were so shocking, it kinda scared me. Anyway she brought me to the office where I had to explain things, give paper work and get my schedule.

My schedule wasn't difficult, the normal class of course with a few exceptions. Like I had piano? And Drawing Level 1.. and German? But I still had Chinese Level 1 (apparently they think I'm dumb cause I'm actually a level 4 but hey -_-), Spanish Level 1 (am I really dumb?) and my main subjects. The only thing was that instead of rotating every other day, its every 2 days. I could get used to that but.. my classes start at room 12, then 231, then 127.. so on. Obviously I'll be late for each one. Not because I'll be lost but because I'll purposely take a long time to get there. Who really wants to go to class? Not me.

My first class was Chinese, at first the teacher didn't seem to like me. But after I introduced my self and had a whole conversation with her in Chinese her attitude changed. Oh and my classmates were the type who have to be better so they kinda dislike me but its okay. I really dont care.

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