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"Idiot." Frank laughed. "She didn't piss herself. Her water just broke."

"Oh." Carti said with wide eyes. "Oh shit. Rah! Nigga say something."

I couldn't say shit though. I was in shock. I was trying to move, but my body wouldn't even let me.

"Rakim." Frank said while shaking me. I didn't budge.

"Okay I got this." Hope said. "Carti go upstairs to our room. In my closet, there is a Louis Vuitton duffle bag. That's my hospital bag. Get it and bring it down here. It's already packed."

"Got you."

"Frank." Hope said. "Can you please go warm up my car? The car seat and booster seat is in there."

"I got you mom."

Hope pulled out her phone. I was still standing there, looking at the water on the ground.

"Zoe, you T and Lo need to head to Northside Baby Delivery. My water just broke. Mhm. Oh yea you're right, do that. See you soon, bye." She hung up the phone and turned towards me.

"Baby." She said softly. "It's happening. It's time for us to go meet him."

She stopped and clutched her fists. She winced a little in pain.

"I'm having contractions. Rah I need you to snap out of it. You have to take me to the hospital. I need you right now." She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I don't know why, but her saying 'I need you right now' just snapped me back to reality.

Carti came down the stairs and handed me the hospital bag.

"I'm going to go home and tell Iggy. Let me know when you she delivers so we can come up there." Carti said. I nodded and dapped him up.

I grabbed my phone and then grabbed Hope's hand. We went to the garage, and Frank was sitting outside the car smoking a joint. He outed it once he saw us, and then backed away so we could enter the car.

"Let me know when the little one touches down." Frank said.

"Word." I dapped him up then helped Hope into the car.

"Are Zoe, Lo, and Clarence meeting us up there?" I asked.

"They are going to come once the baby is here." She said through heavy breaths.

"Okay." I put the car in drive. "Let's do this."

Six hours later

February 24th, 2019 / 12:02 A.M

"Come on Hope keep pushing." Dr. Tau said. I was trying not to faint while watching lil' man's head push through my lady. There was so much going on, and it was hella painful to the eyes. But of course, I'm a real nigga. So I persevered.

"There you go baby. You got it." I said.

"Owwweeee fuck." Hope winced. She grabbed the sheets and closed her eyes.

"Almost there Hope. You got it. Two more big pushes." Dr. Tau said. I walked over to Hope and rubbed her shoulders.

"Come on mama." I said lowly.

"One." She said while pushing.

"There you go. One more." Dr. Tau said.

"I can't." She cried.

"Yes you can Hope. One more." I said. She whined and pushed again.

This time, we heard crying. Dr. Tau smiled as he brought the baby up. My heart immediately started to beat faster when I laid my eyes on him.

"Here you go." Dr. Tau said after he cleaned the baby and wrapped him. He handed him off to Hope. "Nine pounds, three ounces. Big healthy baby."

"Look at him." She said softly.

"What is his name?" Dr. Tau asked.

"We aren't sure yet. So for now, just Baby Mayers." Hope said.

"Well then, welcome to the world Baby Mayers." He smiled. "I will give you guys some personal time. A nurse will come back and help you feed him."

"Here." Hope smiled. "Hold him."

"You sure?" I asked.

"I've been holding him for nine months. You can hold him for a little." She laughed as she handed him to me.

I looked down at the beautiful brown baby in my arms. He had a head full of dark hair. Hope's little button nose, my full lips (Hope's big ass head). I gave him my finger, and he grabbed it. My eyes started to water out of happiness.

My seed. My lil man. My own flesh and blood.

"God." I said through tears. "Thank you. Thank you for bringing Hope into my life. Thank you for bringing us the greatest gift of all time. Just thank you."

"Rakim." I heard Hope say. I opened my eyes and rolled over. I clearly forgot that I was sleeping on a couch because I rolled over onto the floor.

"Nigga" Hope laughed. "That ain't no California King bed."

"Man whatever." I laughed. I got up off the floor and walked over to her bed. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and smiled.

"I love you." She said.

"Too bad I love you more." I scoffed.

"Man whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Can you go get the baby from the nursery?"

The nurses took the baby shortly after labor so that they could relieve us. It was super helpful because I know Hope needed the sleep.

"Yea I got you."

On my walk to the nursery, all I could do was think about the future. My future with my family. I can't wait for Lo to meet her lil' brozay. I know she's going to always protect him, just like he will do for her. Be her lil' big brother.

I can't wait for family trips. For us to go to our cabin and spend Christmas there. Taking summer trips to the Bahamas.

I'm just ready for it all.

Unfortunately, my peaceful walk was interrupted when I saw fresh blood droplets outside of the nursery.

I rushed inside, and immediately was put in disarray. Most of the nurses were unconscious, and one was laying in a pool of blood. All I could hear was babies crying. I felt my temperature rise as I tried not to panic.

I walked over to the babies, looking for mine. When I reached the bassinet labeled 'Baby Mayers', it was empty.

Please, no.

I ran back to Hope's hospital room. Hoping to God that he was already in there. At the same time, I was trying to make sense of everything. What happened to the nurses? Did it just happen and that's why no one noticed? Most importantly, who is behind all this?

When I entered Hope's hospital room, it was empty.

"Fuck!" I yelled through tears. It was taking everything in me not to light this whole hospital up. The best day of my life had turned into the worst.

There was a yellow envelope on her bed marked 'Read me Rakim'. I quickly opened the letter. It read:

You want them? Come and find them.

To be continued.

Well, that's all for part one! Stay tuned for the sequel. I will come back here to announce when it drops.

I hope you enjoyed Demons Book One.

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