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Suddenly sensing a presence behind her, Winnie whips round wand at the ready and upon seeing her old professer promptly shouts "Jesus fucking Christ!"  And shoots a small flame spell in his direction

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Suddenly sensing a presence behind her, Winnie whips round wand at the ready and upon seeing her old professer promptly shouts "Jesus fucking Christ!" And shoots a small flame spell in his direction.

"Miss Weasley I would very much appreciate if you didn't set these robes alight as I have recently gotten them tailored." He chuckles and gestures to the seat across from him.
Still stunned into silence, Winnie drops her arm and shuffled towards the arm chair.

"I presume you want to know why I'm here?" Winnie just numbly nodded still shocked by his presence, having not seen anyone from her past in almost three years, including her family.
"I have reason to believe that you are no longer enjoying your job placement and have an offer pertaining the order of the Phoenix."

"And what does this offer entail professor?" She enquires leaning forward with a new found brightness to her face.

Dumbledore smiles, satisfied with her reaction. "As you may know there is a war among us, and due to recent conflicts one of our members of the order is forced into hiding. I trust this man with everything I have but he tends to act impulsively and it often gets him into trouble," he pauses thinking back to the nameless mans shenanigans in his time at Hogwarts "I am asking you to join him at the orders meeting place to watch over him as he is currently the most wanted man in the ministry and you are the most powerful witch I know."

"Sirius black?" She breathes out visibly on edge at the mention of the ex-prisoner.
Her mind felt like it was racing at a million miles a second, weighing the positives and negatives out and making up possible outcomes.
"Will I get to see mum and dad?" She finally spat out, after being denied any vacation time from the ministry to visit her family, it was the only thing she cared about.

"Of course but not until the holiday term, they'll be joining us in the house then. So what is your answer miss Weasley?"

Buzzing at the thought of new prospects for her life she sputters out a feeble "yes" before hopping up to pack her trunk which hadn't really been unpacked since arriving in Paris 4 months ago in order to chase down a well known death eater.

Racing back into the main living area, trunk in hand, she beams at Dumbledore muttering breathlessly a small "I'm ready." Which left the man chuckling as he stood holding his crooked arm out to her.
Grabbing at the last second, she could feel the sudden pull behind her belly button and after a couple of seconds they arrived on a rather bleak street of terraced Victorian houses.

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