Isobel is a simple country girl, living in the farmer fields of Hamilton. Life in Hamilton is peaceful, quiet, and everyone knows everyone else. When Isobel grows up, she wants to become a farmer. She loves being outside and in the blazing sun. She loves to feel the warm soil in between her toes, she loves tending to the chickens and horses. It was the way she was raised.
But the laws in Hamilton prevent it from happening. Law states that only a male may farm, only a male may be in a pub, and only a male shall be a member of parliament.
Isobel disagrees with this law completely. She feels restricted, not being able to do anything. All woman are expected to become housewives, all woman are expected to know how to clean, cook and sugar coat everything. With anger and rage building up inside of her, Isobel starts protesting. She starts petitions, unions and charities for a womems rights whilst living in Hamilton.
During her late teens, Isobel meets a kind, and generous, young man. With whom she sets out on her adventure to gain her own rights to inherit her fathers farm. But as she grows older, and starts to learn more about life, love and family pride, she comes to her own realizations. That sometimes, love can interfer with your life plans, and that not everything will turn out the way you want it to.
Will Isobel let go of her love, to reach her life goals? Or will her heart be enough to satisfy her desires?